Thursday, May 12, 2022

Protestant Apologist on Textual Criticism and the Preservation of the Word of God being an on-going process


All Evangelicals are persuaded that God inspired the work of composition when the Bible was first penned. But seldom are Evangelicals sure that God also works through human agents to preserve His word. But He does. He employs the amazing detective work of textual critics as a means to this end. The providence of God usually uses textual criticism to preserve the text with discoveries of new texts or fragments that may provide new “readings” to help us better understand and appreciate what the original author said. God does not do this all at once. It is an ongoing process. The preservation of the text, like the inspiration of the text, is a “mutual project” of God working providentially through the agency of men. Just as composition and investigation are different processes, God’s efforts differ in how these outcomes are realized. But this doesn’t mean that God is any less involved, providentially, in making them both come to pass. This does not imply that inspiration and preservation are precisely alike. Likewise, we can readily conclude how the ongoing research of the Septuagint’s text helps us purify the Bible, to return to us the original autographs. (S. Douglas Woodward, Rebooting the Bible, Part 1: Exposing the Second Century Conspiracy to Corrupt the Scripture and Alter Biblical Chronology [rev ed.; Oklahoma City: Faith Happens, 2020], 272, italics in original)


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