Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Excerpts from Dale E. Luffman, Commentary on the Community of Christ Doctrine and Covenants, Volume 1


COC section 26 = LDS section 27


Some have supposed that they received two ordinations, one, under the hands of Peter, James, and John, and one by each other; but it is scarcely supportable that they would fail to mention so important an item. There is no historical evidence of such an event. Nor is there any evidence that Peter, James, and John were present, either when the instruction was given to ordain them or when the ordination actually took place. . . . it is not safe then to write historically that Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were ever ordained literally under the hands of Peter, James, and John. He who does so writes recklessly and without sufficient evidence upon which to base his conclusion. (Joseph Smith [III] and Heman C. Smith, eds. The Hsitory of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Vol. 1, 1805-1835 [Independence, MO: Herald Publishing House, 1967], 63-64 as cited in Dale E. Luffman, Commentary on the Community of Christ Doctrine and Covenants, 2 vols. [Independence, Miss.: Herald House, 2019], 1:127)


COC and LDS Section 1:


“the day speedily cometh . . . when peace shall be taken from the earth” (6b). At the time of this counsel a tariff crisis was influencing relationships among the states in the United States. Later a Civil War would occur, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina. That rebellion would be prophesied by Joseph Smith Jr. in December 1832. Truly this prophecy has come to be fulfilled in a way that Joseph would never have imagined. War, greed, and avarice have dominated the modern and postmodern world. Later revelation would attest to this: “These are portentous times. The lives of many are being sacrificed unnecessarily to the gods of war, greed, and avarice. The land is being desecrated by the thoughtless waste of vital resources. You must obey my commandments and be in the forefront of those who would mediate this needless destruction while there is yet day” (Doctrine and Covenants 150:7). Peace has been taken from the earth. (Dale E. Luffman, Commentary on the Community of Christ Doctrine and Covenants, 2 vols. [Independence, Miss.: Herald House, 2019], 1:25, emphasis added)


COC and LDS Section 46:


It is important to remember that many Christians at the time, and converts to the church, had a lively belief in a personal Satan or Devil as well as a belief in hosts of demonic angels. Evil usually was attributed to such personifications. When bad things happened it was because of the Devil or because evil forces were perceived to be at work. The significance of personal accountability and culpability in mistakes and misdeeds was often overlooked. That perspective was represented in the cautionary language of 3c. Seduction by evil spirits, doctrines of devils, and commandments of men were to be avoided! (Dale E. Luffman, Commentary on the Community of Christ Doctrine and Covenants, 2 vols. [Independence, Miss.: Herald House, 2019], 1:220)


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