Monday, April 6, 2020

Articles Interacting with Jesus’ Resurrection and Joseph’s Visions (2020)

Listing of articles interacting with:

Robert M.(*) Bowman Jr. 

On the Number of Pages in the Lost "Book of Lehi" and the Rate of Translation

On Mary Whitmer and other Female Witnesses to the Plates and/or the Angel

Some Neglected/Ignored Resources on the First Vision

Could Moroni Have Travelled from Modern-day Mexico Mexico to New York?

Recent anti-Mormon attempt to Answer the Three and Eight Witnesses to the Book of Mormon

On the Nephi/Moroni "Problem"

Did Joseph Smith Initially Present his encounters with the angel as a "dream"?

Joseph Smith's Encounter with the angel Moroni and the Buried Plates

The Number of Moroni's Appearances to Joseph Smith

The Use of "Magic" ("Superstitious Nonsense") by Biblical Figures

When Inerrantists Attack Their Own

The Difficulty of Distinguishing Between "Religion" and "Magic"

Joseph Receiving the Plates on 22 September 1827 and Jewish Festivals

Biblical Examples of People Not Seeing Angels in their Midst

Did the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg Influence Joseph Smith?

Has Acts 9:7 been mistranslated? Is there validity to harmonising Acts 9:7 and 22:9 by an Appeal to Grammatical Cases?

The Debate as to What Paul's Companions Heard, if anything (Acts 9:7 and 22:9)

Who spoke to the women at the tomb?

See also:

Anti-Mormon Evangelical Protestant: "Mormonism" can be considered "Christian" in the Broadest Sense of the Term

Bill Hamblin's Review of Early Mormonism and the Magic World View

The Obligation to Do Apologetics -- Daniel C Peterson

(*) Name of this ghost-writer? Would explain some pretty low IQ arguments Bowman has produced in recent years.

Update: Public Apology to Robert M. Bowman Jr.

I used to think that the "M" was not simply Bowman's middle name and I speculated as to the identity thereof. I would like to take this time, as requested by Bowman himself, to offer my heartfelt apology. Rob: I truly am sorry . . .

. . . for giving you credit that such low IQ arguments did not come from you. I am sorry for thinking you were not that stupid. Instead, it was 100% all you. Enjoy marinating in Dunning Kruger and knowingly engaging in deception and spreading your Satanic Protestant "gospel."

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