Saturday, December 25, 2021

Joseph Smith and his Glass of Beer at Moser's Grocery Store

The following, from the June 1, 1844 entry in History, 1838–1856, volume F-1 [1 May 1844–8 August 1844] speaks of Joseph Smith having a glass of beer at the grocery store of Frederick Henry Moeser:


<June 1> Saturday 1 At home; some gentle showers. At one P. M., I rode out with Dr. [Willard] Richards and O. P. [Orrin Porter] Rockwell; called on Davis at the Boat; paid Manhard $90.; met George J. Adams and paid him $50.; then went to John P. Greene’s, and paid him and another brother $200.; drank a glass of beer at Moessers



Further Reading

Mike Ash, Up In Smoke: A Response to the Tanners’ Criticism of the Word of Wisdom

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