Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Ryan Waits Runs Away from a Debate with an Informed Latter-day Saint

Ryan Waits is a former Latter-day Saint who often engages in "hit and run" messages on Latter-day Saint facebook threads. He performed this tactic on a friend's wall (of someone who is currently serving a mission) and he was told to contact me to debate on Protestant vs. Latter-day Saint issues. What happened are textbook examples of projection and cowardice from Waits who ran away from engaging in a moderated debate (with a Protestant moderator!) with an informed Latter-day Saint:

In spite of being offered a neutral moderator (actually, one with a theological bias towards Ryan--a Reformed Baptist) and agreeing to debate, Ryan continued to dodge:

There you go, ladies and gentlemen: Ryan Waits is a coward and a fraud, and nothing more than a keyboard warrior, like his friend Tim Jackson.

For those who think I am being mean by publically shaming Ryan for being a spineless coward, keep in mind this is an example of the messages he sends in private to other Latter-day Saints (in this instance, Travis Anderson) (language warning!)

Apart from being a dimwit and a wuss, Ryan is also a pitiful excuse of a human being. I cannot think of a better representative of a Satanic theology like Protestantism more than someone like Ryan; after all, their doctrine of justification & imputation makes God into a liar.

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