Thursday, January 4, 2024

John A. Widtsoe on the Difference Between "Revelation" and "Inspiration" in "Modern Revelations and Modern Questions"


Question: “What is the difference, if any, between revelation and inspiration?”


Answer: I am glad that question was brought up, it indicates I did not make it clear.


Inspiration is simply a variety of revelation. True inspiration cannot be in a separate category entirely from revelation. But there are degrees of revelation, from the kind the Prophet had in the grove to the help the Lord will give me tonight in answering the questions that arise. Saul and Alma class them together.


I carefully refrained from using the word “revelation” for all types of information that come. (John A. Widtsoe, Lecture 1, “The Need and Nature of Revelation,” January 13, 1938, Modern Revelations and Modern Questions, 33)


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