Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Response to "The Gospel for Mormons" (FAIR)

 In September 2016, I published a lengthy response to Jeff Durbin's "The Gospel for Mormons":

Refuting Jeff Durbin on "Mormonism" (cf. my article responding to Durbin on the nature of the atonement and the Melchizedek Priesthood: Refuting Jeff Durbin on Mormonism and the Atonement)

The response, while wordy/lengthy, it is very popular, and I think demonstrates that Durbin is clueless when it comes to "Mormonism," theology, and the historical-grammatical method of exegesis.

Recently, my friend Zachary Wright who is associated with FAIR has produced another response to the pamphlet also entitled "The Gospel for Mormons":

Response to "The Gospel for Mormons"

One can read the transcript of the video response at:

By Study and By Faith – Episode 10: Response to “The Gospel for Mormons”

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