Friday, June 19, 2020

Oliver H. Olney's 1842 Journal Entries on the Saints' Then-Future Move to the Rocky Mountains

The following are excerpts (with original spelling retained) from the journal of Oliver H. Olney when he was in Nauvoo. They are published in the following book:

Richard G. Moore, ed. The Writings of Oliver H. Olney: April 1842 to February 1843—Nauvoo, Illinois (Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2020)


They are important as they show that Latter-day Saints in 1842 believed that many of the Saints would move to the Rocky Mountains, including it being a location where people would receive religious instruction from the Church and the leadership thereof (compare with the long-standing use of Isa 2:2-5 by Latter-day Saints and the Salt Lake Temple), contra some critics who claim that Joseph Smith never gave any teaching or prophecy that at least some of the Saints would eventually move west to modern-day Utah and the surrounding area (see Jeff Lindsay, “The Saints to Flourish in the Rocky Mountains” in his LDSFAQ Page, Fulfilled Prophecies of Joseph Smith)


As Moore noted in his introductory comments to Olney’s journal:


Olney's writings substantiated the claim that the Mormons were considering removing to the Rocky Mountains years prior to the assassination of Joseph Smith. (xxx)


July 2, 1842:


As a company is a forming in to the wilderness to go as far west as the Rocky mountains and that without delay. (p. 78)


As a company is now aforming in to the wilderness to go as far as the Rocky Mountains and that with out delay Yes men women and Children is now in aray To make read[y] a voiage amonst the Natives of the far west Let this subject be look to as this wot they say that they must go whire there is no Law to baffle them in their doings We will now use some reason and say Shall the[y] go west amongs the Indians and abuse the inosent and raise a strife amongst the red men of the forest. (p. 79)


July 7, 1842


Also go ahead in Poligamy and raise up a Righeous branch some whire near the Rocky Mountains in the far west, Whire no law can tuch you or hinder you on the way. (p. 87)


And train every once in a few day and boast of your power with God to move in power and wisdom in this and foren lands Go ahead in Poligemy and raise up a righeous branch some whire neer the Rocky Mountains in the far west Whire no law can tuch you or hinder you on your way I will now speak to you of your folly of your with me haveing a fuss. (p. 89)


July 20, 1842


They say with your numerous wifes and maidens you are about to start west as far as the Rocky Mountains whire you will raise up a Righteous Branch without being molested by the Laws of the land. (p. 107)


July 22, 1842


If not speak of the foibles of the Church of Latter day Saints that is extant on the Earth I have seen of their doings I have seen of their works untill I say they are dangerous people to be together on the Earth If they was to the rocky mountains as they are there desined to go what would be the consequence. (p. 108)


I write my feeling on a principal and good will to man and in the fear of God that if they put their plans into practice whire will they soon be but on their way to the Rocky Mountains. (p. 109)


July 27, 1842


But as a people is often a talking when excited for good things to come many now is a speaking of going to the Rocky Mountains while God shall destroy The wicked of the Land It will be with them. (p. 114)


August 11, 1842


As a theme of doings has long ben spoken of for the Saints to arise And extricate themselves by going in to the wilderness with the Natives west As a way is opening for many to start To the Rocky Mountains in order to raise up a Righeous branch the two Prisieners are in alerk [alert?] awaiting the time that they can move together as is said to be the theme. (p. 130)


August 19, 1842


I again write of things that comes to my view As many is a talking some few adoing in our citty of Refuge as the story goes freely. The rounds that a company is a fixing to go some whire near the Rocky Mountains whire no Law will disturb them or they can make Laws of their own to gain a place of rest. (p. 145)


I have no hopes of a Reformation As much is adoing And much don I some time have feelings to look ahead and se what ten years would bring about I look at them far from this some whire in the Rocky Mountains in the far West Women and Children all in aray with many leaders of both Prophits and Prophitess that would say in the name of the Lord They would move in a oneness togethor asaying to lead Those of less note Would follow after a saying to be much blest of God. (p. 147)


They fast are makeing ready a voige to take As far as the Rocky Mountains to gain a place of rest A rest that to them will be of value In their daily moves to establish a foundation whire they can live They have long ben a fixing that much as in store such as money and goods that has ben donated in the name of the Lord that is carefully laid away in boxes to be ready to load when the way opens to go to the Rocky Mountains Men women and Children are in aray fast a fixing to be under way with their Prophit Joseph. (p. 147)


I look at them far distant from this Some whire near the rocky mountains in the far west Men women and Children all in away with many wise leaders of both Prophits and Prophitesses that would say in the name of the Lord They would move in a mess together asaying to lead Those of less note would follow after saying to be much blest of God They would receive Instructions from time to time that would say they was the only people on Earth They thus would move with one at the head and others accessary Untill they had well fild the western woods. (p. 149)


27 August, 1842


They say if Joseph is gone God has apointed an other in his stead to lead us That is his Brother Hiram. Thus a door is opened for to lead them along step by step It is said that Joseph but the secret whisperins is that he is in the City of Nauvoo Amaking ready to start to the noted boiling springs amongst the Natives neer the Rocky Mountains. (p. 155)


4 October 1842


They may go to the rocky mountains as the saying is but it is not of God. (p. 176; this was addressed to Eliza R. Snow)


 On the topic of Joseph Smith's prophecies, see:

Resources on Joseph Smith's Prophecies

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