Often, one will hear the claim that Joseph Smith made false prophecies, and, in light of Deut 18:18-20, fails the test of a prophet. Furthermore, one will hear the claim that Joseph Smith never made any significant prophecies that have come to pass. Both these claims are false and based on (1) very poor exegetical skills and (2) equally poor research skills.
Resources on Allegedly False Prophecies and the Contingent Nature of Prophecy
Stephen O. Smoot, “Joel Kramer vs. the Bible and Joseph Smith” (a review of Joseph Smith vs. the Bible which I helped research)
Resources on Allegedly False Prophecies and the Contingent Nature of Prophecy
Stephen O. Smoot, “Joel Kramer vs. the Bible and Joseph Smith” (a review of Joseph Smith vs. the Bible which I helped research)
Kevin Christensen, Biblical Keys for Discerning True and False Prophets
Robert Boylan (Scriptural Mormonism), Did Moses Fail the Test of a Prophet in Deuteronomy 18:18-20? The Non-Fulfillment of the חרם ḥrm promised to the Hivites
Idem, Delbert R. Hillers and Ralph L. Smith on Micah 3:12; Jerome on Jeremiah 26:17-19 and Micah 3:12; Micah the False Prophet; Benedetta Rossi on the Interpretation of Micah 3:12 as a Contingent Prophecy in Jeremiah 26:18; J.R. Dummelow on Micah 3:12 and the Contingent Nature of Biblical Prophecy; Notes on Micah 3:12 from Bob Becking's Commentary in the Anchor Yale Bible Commentary Series;
John A. Tvedtnes, “The Nature of Prophecies and Prophecy”
Idem. “A Reply to Dick Baer” (challenges a list of 52 purportedly false prophecies of Joseph Smith)
The FairMormon Wiki page, “Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies”
Jeff Lindsay, “The Mormon Concept of Modern Prophets: Mormon Answers to Common Questions”
Kevin Christensen, "Biblical Keys for Discerning True and False Prophets"
Richard L. Pratt (non-LDS [Presbyterian] scholar), "Historical Contingencies and Biblical Predictions" (PDF Version)
Brian Enyart (non-LDS [Open Theist]) vs. Reformed apologist, Enyart on failed Biblical Prophecies (youtube video)
Opentheism.org, "Open Theism Bible Verses in 33 Categories"
D. Charles Pyle, Is Joseph Smith's prophecy "Zion will be built with its temple at independence within a generation" a failed prophecy?
Idem, Joseph Smith prophesied that New York would be desolated and abolished if they reject the gospel. Is the destruction of New York imminent?
D. Charles Pyle, Is Joseph Smith's prophecy "Zion will be built with its temple at independence within a generation" a failed prophecy?
Idem, Joseph Smith prophesied that New York would be desolated and abolished if they reject the gospel. Is the destruction of New York imminent?
Idem, Why was Section 111 of the Doctrine & Covenants not removed since the prophecy (finding treasure in Salem, Massachusetts) never came to pass? (cf. Van Hale on the Background to D&C 111; Steven Harper on D&C 111)
Mike Parker, "John C. Bennett and D&C 124:16-17"
Robert Boylan, Refuting James Walker on Joseph Smith's Prophecies
Idem, Did Joseph Smith Predict that the Second Coming would happen in 1890/91? (cf. Vern Grosvenor Swanson on the Eschatological Timetable of Joseph Smith's April 6, 1843 Discourse; Joseph Smith III (1832-1914) Not Believing Jesus Would Come in 1890/91; Joseph Smith's March 10, 1844 Discourse Concerning William Miller and the Parousia; Mario Stephen Depillis: Joseph Smith Never Predicted the Exact Date of Jesus' Second Coming; John Edward Taylor (1888) on D&C 130:14-17; Victor Ojeda Mari on D&C 130:14-17; Joseph Smith Speaking Publicly of His then-impending Death; Debate Concerning the Second Coming at the Parowan School of the Prophets, January 21, 1871; Anson Call and John Steele, Jr., vs. the Claim Joseph Smith Prophesied the Second Coming Would Take Place in 1890/91; Richard Donald Ouellette on Joseph Smith's Comments about Jesus Not Coming "till I am 85 years old"; Church Leaders During the October 1890 General Conference vs. Belief Joseph Smith Taught that the Second Coming Would Take Place in 1891
Robert Boylan, Refuting James Walker on Joseph Smith's Prophecies
Idem, Did Joseph Smith Predict that the Second Coming would happen in 1890/91? (cf. Vern Grosvenor Swanson on the Eschatological Timetable of Joseph Smith's April 6, 1843 Discourse; Joseph Smith III (1832-1914) Not Believing Jesus Would Come in 1890/91; Joseph Smith's March 10, 1844 Discourse Concerning William Miller and the Parousia; Mario Stephen Depillis: Joseph Smith Never Predicted the Exact Date of Jesus' Second Coming; John Edward Taylor (1888) on D&C 130:14-17; Victor Ojeda Mari on D&C 130:14-17; Joseph Smith Speaking Publicly of His then-impending Death; Debate Concerning the Second Coming at the Parowan School of the Prophets, January 21, 1871; Anson Call and John Steele, Jr., vs. the Claim Joseph Smith Prophesied the Second Coming Would Take Place in 1890/91; Richard Donald Ouellette on Joseph Smith's Comments about Jesus Not Coming "till I am 85 years old"; Church Leaders During the October 1890 General Conference vs. Belief Joseph Smith Taught that the Second Coming Would Take Place in 1891
Idem, Oliver Granger and "Sacred Remembrance" cf. George M. Peacock on the meanings of "remember" and its application to D&C 117:12 and Oliver Granger; D&C 117:12 in light of an uncanonized revelation from May 13, 1839
Idem, Is D&C 71:9 a false prophecy?
Idem, An Examination and Critique of the Theological Presuppositions Underlying Reformed Theology (there is a lengthy discussion of contingent foreknowledge and related issues in this paper)
Idem, Did Joseph Smith Prophesy Falsely About Not Being Able to Be Killed By His Enemies?
Richard Lloyd Anderson, "Joseph Smith and the Millenarian Time Table," BYU Studies 3, no. 3 (1961): 55-66
Idem, Oliver Granger and "Sacred Remembrance" cf. George M. Peacock on the meanings of "remember" and its application to D&C 117:12 and Oliver Granger; D&C 117:12 in light of an uncanonized revelation from May 13, 1839
Idem, Is D&C 71:9 a false prophecy?
Idem, An Examination and Critique of the Theological Presuppositions Underlying Reformed Theology (there is a lengthy discussion of contingent foreknowledge and related issues in this paper)
Idem, Did Joseph Smith Prophesy Falsely About Not Being Able to Be Killed By His Enemies?
Idem, Pat Ament on Joseph Smith's Promise that Some People of his Generation would not "Taste Death" (cf. Oliver B. Huntington on Joseph Smith Promising W. W. Phelps and His Wife that "they should never taste death")
Pat Ament on the Problems with Absolutizing Deuteronomy 18:21-22
Pat Ament on D&C 33:3 and “the last time”
Pat Ament's Response to Ed Decker on Purportedly False Prophecies of Joseph Smith
George Adam Smith on the Test for a Prophet in Deuteronomy 18
The Kirtland Bank’s Success Being Contingent Upon the Faithfulness
of Those Involved
Russell Ashdown, Is It Fair to Compare Joseph Smith with the Prophet Jonah? (response to Eric Johnson)
Elden Watson, Ask, and Ye shall Receive: A Review of "Where Does it Say That" by Bob Witte (see the discussion beginning at "2. False Prophecy")
FairMormon, Response to Claims Made in "Chapter 14 (of Jerald and Sandra Tanner's The Changing World of Mormonism): False Prophecy"
Idem, Response to claims made in "Appendix B (of Richard Abanes, One Nation Under Gods): Failed Joseph Smith Prophecies"
Jeff Roundy, Joseph Smith's (NOT!) Failed Prophecies (Youtube)
While on a prophecy of Parley P. Pratt, the following is important as it is commonly used by critics as a false prophecy:
Resources on Fulfilled Prophecies of Joseph Smith
The above resources do offer a number of fulfilled prophecies of Joseph Smith, but for articles and books with a focus on providing such, I would recommend the following:
Gilbert Schaffs, “Samples of Prophecies of Joseph Smith that have been fulfilled” (this is appendix C of The Truth About the Godmakers)
Idem, "Joseph Smith's Last Prophecy Literally Fulfilled"
Robert Boylan, The Treaty of London (1915) and D&C 87:3; cf. Ronald M. Kimmons on D&C 87:3
Idem, Oliver H. Olney's 1842 Journal Entries on the Saints Then-Future Move to the Rocky Mountains (cf. Brigham Young's Letter to William L. Marcy (December 17, 1845); Paulina Eliza Phelps Lyman Recounting Joseph Smith's Promise in 1832 that She Would Go to the Rocky Mountains; Helen Mar Kimball Whitney on the Importance of the Rocky Mountain Prophecy to LDS Truth Claims over RLDS Claims to Authority; 1831 and 1834 Accounts of a Then-Future Expansion to the West as far as the Pacific Ocean; Jonathan Dunham's Belief in 1840 that the Saints would go to the Rocky Mountains; Brigham Young and Joseph Smith's Prophecy of the Saints Moving to the Rocky Mountains; Plans to Establish a Settlement in Texas: Evidence Against the Authenticity of a Rocky Mountain Prophecy?; Luman Shurtliff, Orson Pratt, and Lyman Wight's Recollection of Joseph Smith Believing the Saints Would Move to the Rocky Mountains; Samuel W. Richards's Reminiscences Concerning the Move to the Rocky Mountains and the Building of the Temple in Independence; Interest in the Rocky Mountains in the August 13, 1842 issue of The Wasp; Thomas Bullock (October 7, 1846): Joseph Smith Prophesied of the Saints Moving to the West; Davis A. Bitton on Joseph Smith's "Rocky Mountain Prophecy"
Idem, D&C 87 and Joseph Smith's Letter to Noah C. Saxton (January 4, 1833) (cf, W.L. Crowe (1902)'s Attempt to Refute the "Civil War Prophecy" (D&C 87); The January 1833 Issue of the Evening and Morning Star and how Critics (Larry Jonas; the Tanners) try to Explain the Origins of D&C 87); B.H. Roberts (August 1914) on World War 1 as a Fulfillment of D&C 87:3; Defense of the "Civil War Prophecy" in the November 1860 issue of The True Latter Day Saints' Herald; Alice Smith McKay's (and the Tanner's) Abuse of the "Annual Register of the History of Europe" to Downplay the Prophetic Nature of D&C 87; Henry L. Southworth (December 23, 1851) and the belief in the then-imminent U.S. Civil War and Fulfillment of D&C 87; John C. Calhoun Predicting a Potential Civil War between Slaveholding and Non-Slaveholding States (February 19, 1847); "A Mormon Prophecy," New York Times, June 2, 1861; "Remarkable if True," Contra Costa Gazette (Martinez, California), April 23, 1864: The Prophetic Nature of D&C 87 Acknowledged by a non-LDS Newspaper; "A Prophecy of Joe Smith" in The Sacramento Bee, February 4, 1863: Another Non-LDS Newspaper Acknowledging the Prophetic Nature of D&C 87; The Santa Cruz Weekly Sentinel (January 9, 1864) calling Joseph Smith a "shrewd guesser" in light of D&C 87; Excerpts from Brian Taylor, "Fighting for Citizenship: Black Northerners and the Debate over Military Service in the Civil War" (2020); April 6, 1874 Letter to the Salt Lake Daily Tribune: D&C 87 was Produced by Joseph Smith in Response to the Secession Crisis of 1832; George Q. Cannon, John Taylor, and Brigham Young on D&C 87; Emanuel M. Murphy's Recollection of Joseph Smith's Belief that the Fulfillment of D&C 87 was Imminent; W. W. Phelps (February 18, 1861): Slaves to have a "Holiday as Wonderful as their Masters" by 1866; Joseph Smith's Reference to "nullifying [South] Carolina," January 2, 1844; Andrew Love Neff on D&C 87; Alfred Grant on the Construction of Ships for the Confederacy and the Union in Great Britain; Sherman L. Fleek and Robert C. Freeman on D&C 87 and the U.S. Civil War; Joseph Smith III on his Father’s “Civil War Prophecy” (D&C 87) (cf. Positive View of Joseph Smith's Civil War Prophecy from Roy E. Weldon and Norma Anne Holik (RLDS));) Did Heber C. Kimball Believe that the U.S. Civil War Would Result in the Destruction of the US Nation?; Improvement Era (October 1906) on When D&C 87 was First Printed and Where; Orson Hyde (January 1, 1862) not believing that the U.S. Civil War was not the Only War in view in D&C 87; Joseph
Holbrook’s Commentary on, and Dream Concerning, D&C 87; Brigham Young, Jr. (April 24, 1898): D&C 87 was only partially fulfilled with the U.S. Civil War; Joseph Smith (April 2, 1843): The Then-Future U.S. Civil War would only be "the first outbreak of general bloodshed"; Editorial in The New York Times (January 10, 1861) Teaching There Would Not be a Major War Between the North and South; Thomas Cobb (February 15, 1861): The Almost Universal Belief of the Time is that there would be no U.S. Civil War; Harper's Weekly (May 4, 1861): Belief that the U.S. Civil War "will be over by January, 1862"; Abraham Lincoln (July 4, 1861) Believing that the U.S. Civil War may be "a short and decisive one"; R. L. Dabney on the Belief in the North that there would be no major Civil War before 1861; Lee Ellsworth Eusey (SDA) on the Common Belief that there would no Civil War in 1861; Joseph Smith on the Then-Future War in November 1837 (cf. D&C 87); Refuting the Tanners on D&C 87, the Civil War, and Joseph Smith's 9 March 1843 Dream; Orson Pratt (August 1866) Addressing D&C 87 and the Predicted Role of Great Britain; Was D&C 87 (the "Civil War Prophecy") Known Before 1835?; Chares Lowell Walker (January 4, 1860) on D&C 87 and the then-future U.S. Civil War
Idem, Reception of Joseph Smith's December 25, 1832 Prophecy in W. W. Phelps' Almanac (1861-1864); cf. W. W. Phelp's Copy of D&C 87 from 1835; Text of D&C 87 (the “Civil
War Prophecy”) in Wilford Woodruff’s “Book of Revelations”
Idem, Prophecies of William A. Draves in Messages 45 and 86 of "The Word of the Lord Brought to Mankind by an Angel"; cf. Everette B. Long's (non-LDS) Assessment of Joseph Smith's "Civil War Prophecy" (D&C 87)
Idem, The Stephen A. Douglas Prophecy; cf. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young on the Fate of Stephen A. Douglas; Stephen A. Douglas' Recollection of Joseph Smith's Prophecy Concerning the Future of His Political Career and of the Whig Party (April 6, 1854); Charles Lowell Walker (June 13, 1861) and Joseph Smith's Prophecy Concerning Stephen A. Douglas
Idem, The Devastation of Jackson County (cf. R. W. Farrell, "Joseph Smith's Prophecy and Order Number
11," Missouri Historical Review (1926); Orson Pratt (August 1866) Addressing When the Latter-day Saints Will Return to Jackson County
Idem, Accurate Predictions in Joseph Smith's Blessing of Newell K. Whitney, October 7, 1835 (cf. Orson F. Whitney (1901) on God’s Preparation of Newel K. and Elizabeth Ann Whitney to Receive the Restored Gospel and their First Encounter with Joseph Smith)
Idem, The Growth in the Interest in Genealogy after the Coming of Elijah in 1836: Another Fulfilled Prophecy of Joseph Smith; cf. Rulon Killian on the Fulfillment of Malachi 4:5-6 after the Coming of Elijah in 1836
Idem, The Destruction on the Missouri and Mississippi rivers and the Fulfillment of D&C 61:3-6, 13-19
Idem, The Fulfillment of Joseph Smith's Last Prophecy: Dan Jones' Missionary Efforts in Wales (cf. Kerry Shirts, Joseph Smith's Last Prophecy Literally Fulfilled: Fun Church History; Church News (August 16, 1958) and the Fulfillment of Joseph Smith's Last Prophecy Concerning the Mission of Dan Jones)
Idem, D&C 99:8 (August 29, 1832) as an Implicit Prediction of Joseph Smith being Martyred in the then-future (cf. Reminiscence of Joseph Smith's Prophecy Concerning his Martyrdom in the Journal of Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner (1918-1913))
Idem, Notes on the "Grease Spot" Prophecy; cf. Franklin Langworthy (critic), "Scenery of the Plains" (1855) Reporting LDS Belief that the U.S. Government will Soon be Overthrown; James A. Carver on the "Grease Spot" Prophecy
Idem, Mary Elizabeth Rollins in 1926 Recounting Joseph Smith's Prophecies Concerning Mary and Her Husband Adam; cf. Zina Diantha Huntington (1821-1901) on the Importance of the Fulfillment of Joseph Smith's Prophecies
Idem, Robert D. Foster's 1874 Recollection of Joseph Smith's Prophecy Concerning Rev. George Cookman; cf. Robert D. Foster's December 24, 1839 Letter to Joseph Smith Concerning Rev. George G. Cookman
Idem, "Sabaoth" in the Doctrine and Covenants (an example of Joseph Smith's prophetic insights that only have recently been substantiated by modern scholarship)
Jeff Roundy, Joseph Smith’s Prophecies Fulfilled - Evidences (Youtube)
Matthew C. Godfrey, William McLellin's Five Questions (a chapter from the book, Revelations in Context, showing a very powerful example of Joseph Smith's prophetic gifts)
Matthew C. Godfrey, William McLellin's Five Questions (a chapter from the book, Revelations in Context, showing a very powerful example of Joseph Smith's prophetic gifts)
The B. H. Roberts Foundation:
Recommended Books:
Pat Ament, Joseph Smith’s Prophetic Gifts; this book has been republished: A Timeline of Joseph Smith's Prophecies: His Prophecies Fulfilled, ed. Brian Stutzman, rev. ed. (2023); see also Brian J. Stutzman, On This Day: Joseph Smith’s Prophecies Fulfilled: Sorted by Day (2023)
Duane Crowther, The Prophecies of Joseph Smith
Daniel C. Peterson, The Last Days (2 vols.) (doesn't deal exclusively with Joseph Smith's prophetic utterances, but is still a good resource)
Ronald M. Kimmons, The Struggle of All Ages: Joseph Smith's Prophecy of the American Civil War and of Our Day
On the "White Horse Prophecy":
B. H. Roberts Foundation (Mormonr), QNA on the White Horse Prophecy
Don L. Penrod, "Edwin Rushton as the Source of the White Horse Prophecy," BYU Studies 49, no. 3 (2010): 75-131
Idem, Critical Analysis of Certain Apocryphal Reports in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints As Related By Members of the Church (M.A. Thesis; BYU, 1971), pp. 50-62
George Cobabe, "The White Horse Prophecy"
Resources on Book of Mormon prophecies fulfilled post-1830
2 Nephi 10:11, 13-14 as an Example of a Book of Mormon Prophecy Fulfilled After 1830 (cf. George Reynolds and Janne M. Sjodahl on the Post-1830 Fulfillment of 2 Nephi 10:14; Charles W. Penrose on the Death of Maximilian I of Mexico and the Fulfillment of 2 Nephi 10:11-13; Janne M. Sjodahl on the Post-1830 Fulfillment of 2 Nephi 10:14)
Allen Richardson on “Book of Mormon Prophecies of the United States” Fulfilled Post-1830
Book of Mormon Central, Book of Mormon Evidence: Internally Fulfilled Prophecies (youtube)
Although not post-1830, note:
Joseph Smith's First Vision in 2 Nephi 27:24-26 and Allan Neill, "Book of Mormon Prophecies for our Day" (2020) on 2 Nephi 27:24-27 being a Reference to Joseph Smith's First Vision
The book is
an expanded version of his MA dissertation from BYU. Fortunately, the thesis is available online:
If anyone knows of other good resources, feel free to drop me an email at ScripturalMormonismATgmailDOTcom