Saturday, December 7, 2024

Church Leaders During the October 1890 General Conference vs. Belief Joseph Smith Taught that the Second Coming Would Take Place in 1891

The following are taken from talks delivered at the October 1890 General Conference. Note how the Parousia (Second Coming) of Christ is discussed, as is 1891, but none believed Joseph Smith taught that Jesus’ Second Coming would take place in 1891.


I have always accounted myself blessed to be associated with the work of God in this dispensation, and have greatly rejoiced that I have been brought in contact with the Gospel called by the world, "Mormonism." I can understand the feelings of gratitude that pervade the hearts of the Saints regarding this work; but it is no wonder that the world regard it with astonishment. The initial announcements connected with it were calculated to startle the religious world. In the first vision of Joseph Smith, the prophet was informed by Christ that there were none of the sects right, but all had gone out of the way. So bold a declaration by the youthful prophet was calculated to astonish the world. But this does not argue that there are not thousands of people in the world whom God loves. What Joseph declared is predicted in the scriptures, in which the Christians profess to believe. John, while on the Isle of Patmos, predicted the restoration of the Gospel in its fulness in the latter-days, through the medium of an angel. This was to occur in "the hour of God's judgment." Had the inhabitants of the earth been in possession of the Gospel as it is in Christ, this predicted restoration would have been superogatory. Connected with this prophecy of John it is clearly stated that the inhabitants of the earth should be called upon to worship the true God, indicating that their worship at that time would not be directed towards that Great Being. A portion of the fulfilment of that prediction was the bringing forth of the record called the Book of Mormon, adding for Christ, the testimony of the prophets who existed on this continent, they being thus united with that of those on the eastern hemisphere. Gradually the rich treasures of heaven have been developed, and the work of God has progressed, preparing the way for the coming of Christ, who shall establish a reign of righteousness and peace. Before another General Conference shall be reached we shall have entered upon the year 1891. The speaker here read from Sec. 130 of the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, which relates to the coming of the Son of Man, and referred to some remarks made by the prophet, February 14th, 1835, at a meeting wherein certain Elders were told that they were called to go forth and prune the vineyard for the time, before the coming of Christ, even 56 years should wind up the scene. Continuing, Elder Roberts said, that these circumstances have called the Saints to believe that some great epoch will open at that time—the year following the present. My faith in the matter is that whatever the Lord has in mind to accomplish in that year will be performed. It may be something, however, that would scarcely create a ripple. The organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was one of the greatest events of the history of the world. it was organized with six members, and but little was known concerning it even in the neighborhood where it occurred, at the  time. Yet behold to what proportions the work then begun has grown. It may be that the greatness of what shall occur in 1891 will not be comprehended until succeeding years. (B. H. Roberts, “Remarks,” October 4, 1890, in Collected Discourses, ed. Brian Stuy, 5 vols. [Sandy, Utah: B. H. S. Publishing, 1988], 2:105-6, italics in original)



I do not think anyone can tell the hour of the coming of the Son of Man. I think those things have been sufficiently revealed to us; so that we need not look for the time of that event to be made known. I will say here that in my dreams I have had a great many visits from the Prophet Joseph since his death. The last time I met him was in the spirit world. I met him at the Temple. He spoke to me. Calling me by name, he said, "I cannot stop to talk to you, for I am in a hurry." I met Father Smith. He, too, said to me, "I am in a hurry." I met a great many of the Apostles and others who are in the spirit world, and they all seemed to be in a hurry. I marveled at this, and wondered very greatly in my mind why anybody should be in a hurry in the Paradise of God.


I had an interview with the Prophet Joseph afterwards and asked him the question, "Why are you all in such a hurry here?" I said, "I have always been in a hurry in the world since I was born, but I thought there would be no occasion for it when I died and entered the spirit world." He replied, "Well, I will tell you: The Prophets and Apostles in this dispensation have had no time nor opportunity to prepare themselves to go to the earth with the great bridegroom when He goes to meet the bride, the Lamb's wife. We in this dispensation have not had time. We have first as much work to perform, to prepare ourselves, as in other dispensations." He said the time was at hand for the coming of the Son of Man, for Christ to go forth in fulfillment of revelation and prophecy, to meet the bride, the Lamb's wife, the Church and Kingdom of God upon the earth. Says He, "That is not revealed to us, nor never will be until the hour comes; but we have much work to do to prepare ourselves for the event."


I have always believed from the revelations that we never would know the exact time of the coming of the Son of man; and I am more convinced of this from what the Prophet said to me in my dreams.(Wilford Woodruff, “Remarks,” October 4, 1890, in Collected Discourses, ed. Brian Stuy, 5 vols. [Sandy, Utah: B. H. S. Publishing, 1988], 2:106)



Reference has been made to the coming of the Son of Man. Brother Franklin D. Richards has cited events that must precede that great occurrence. The Book of Doctrine and Covenants says that the Lamanites must be established before the Lord shall come in His glory. There are 12,000,000 of Lamanites in Mexico and Central America. This shows the magnitude of the work to be done among that race alone. But the Lord can appear on the mountain and in the Temple. He appeared to Joseph in the Kirtland Temple. President Woodruff testified that he had met and communed with Joseph at various times. This is not surprising. I look for a time to come when communications between the visible Church and the Church behind the vail will be common.


Speaking of the year 1891 being eventful, has not 1890 shown many eventful features? Accidents and other catastrophes are multiplying, convulsions of nature are increasing.

(Moses Thatcher, “Remarks,” October 4, 1890, in Collected Discourses, ed. Brian Stuy, 5 vols. [Sandy, Utah: B. H. S. Publishing, 1988], 2:107)



The revelations of the Lord have been with us. We have known the mind and will of the Lord, and the counsels of the Almighty are dwelling in the midst of the people. And we are expecting something in the near future. We expect the Saints to triumph over sin. We expect them to become more righteous, and sin and corruption to be less among them in the future than it has been in the past, and very much less than it is among other people. If this be not the case, then are we disappointed. During 1891 we ought, individually, to seek to come just as near to the Lord as we possibly can, by extra fidelity, humility, obedience, and keeping the laws of the Lord. We should remember our prayers more faithfully than we have ever done before. A great many in Zion pray once a day. I learn, as I travel throughout the Church, that some of the brethren think once a day is enough to pray in their families. I want to advise you, if you would be prepared for what is to come in 1891, to pray twice a day, and remember the Lord at noon. We find in the Book of Mormon that the servant of the Lord urged the people in that day to pray morning, noon and night—three times a day. I say, let the Latter-day Saints offer their prayers in due season, and never neglect them. Remember the Lord, and His commandments in regard to your tithings. Pay them in their kind, and pay them fully. For a man who lacketh in his prayers, and in his tithing, and in his good conduct in his family, will not be prepared for that which is coming in 1891. It may not be anything that the world may he able to take notice of, or even all the Latter-day Saints; but what wonderful things have happened that the world knew nothing about at the time. I thought, when Elder Roberts was speaking this morning, that he was going to refer not only to the organization of the Church in 1830, as a matter that did not disturb the neighborhood for a little while, nor the county, nor the State, but also to another important event that took place before then. What disturbance was made in the world when the Father and the Son came and visited the Prophet Joseph, and the Father said to him: "This is my beloved Son; hear Him"? How numerous were those who heard of that? No other person saw the light, or the Father and the Son; no other person could bear that testimony, until Joseph had spoken of it.


Now, to be prepared for the coming of the Savior in glory and in power, we find that a marvelous work is yet to be done. What is it? Why, the Gospel is to be preached. We are but a handful of people. We have only a few hundreds of Elders in the missionary field all the time—less than five hundred, probably. How long will it take five hundred men to preach the Gospel to the whole world, as a witness, before the end shall come? We are laboring and doing what we can, and the Lord will prompt His servants when more shall he done; and we will gain strength and power, until we are prepared to accomplish what the Lord designs should be accomplished. But it is important for us as Latter-day Saints to know individually that we stand in the favor of the Lord, and to know that our prayers are heard by the Lord and answered upon our heads. We ought to become so well acquainted with the Spirit of the Lord that we could not be deceived. We should understand it, and it should dwell with us. When we hear the words of counsel that come from those who have the right to give counsel to the Church, every Latter-day Saint ought to know it in a moment, and ought to recognize the voice and counsel of the Lord through His servants. (Francis M. Lyman, “Eminence of Christ’s Second Coming,” October 4, 1890, in Collected Discourses, ed. Brian Stuy, 5 vols. [Sandy, Utah: B. H. S. Publishing, 1988], 2:109-10)



Before I sit down there is one subject that I have felt I wanted to speak about. I think it of some importance to us as Latter-day Saints. It was referred to yesterday by two or three of the brethren. It is in relation to the events of 1891, and connected with the coming of the Lord. It was intimated by Brother Roberts that some people thought that such an event might perhaps happen, and he was anxious that the Saints should not be disappointed if nothing did occur during that year that would fulfil expectation, because a great many anticipations have been indulged in connected with that year, and I believe there has been altogether too much agitation upon this subject. I have seen a great many times in our history when sanguine men have attached a great deal of importance to certain dates. I remember when 1888 was coming in, I heard on all sides that there was something remarkable connected with that year. I fully endorse what Elder Thatcher said yesterday upon this point—that 1890 has been as important a year as we have ever witnessed. And I believe it will be so with every year. I do not think it is wise for us to fix our minds too much upon any year as bringing to pass some very wonderful things. Perhaps it will be so. I do not question that; for every year comes to us freighted with great and wonderful changes. It is not one year alone; but all the years between us and the coming of our Lord will be big with events. They will be crowded with stupendous occurrences. God has thus spoken. Judgments will be poured out upon the inhabitants of the earth, and will increase until the Lord Himself shall come.


I took occasion to have the sermon that Brother Joseph preached hunted up, and I will read a little from it to show you what he said upon this very subject, and to show you also that we need not expect that 1891 will bring any such thing as the coming of the Lord. It was said yesterday that no man knoweth the day nor the hour. This is true. But I will tell you what men can know. They can know that such and such a time is not the time. Men can prophesy that 1891 is not the year. Although they cannot tell you the day nor the hour, they can tell you that He will not come this year or next year, according to the words of God already given. There are several revelations which speak plainly upon this point, allusion to some of which was made yesterday by the brethren who spoke. There are a great many events to take place that have not yet occurred; and the Savior will not come until they do take place. Be assured of this, and be not concerned in your minds and agitated on these matters, because it is easy to understand that there are many things yet to be fulfilled before that grand and glorious event will come. Yet, as he has told us, He will come as a thief in the night. He will come when the inhabitants of the earth are unprepared for him.


Joseph said:


I was once praying earnestly upon this subject [that is, concerning the coming of the Son of Man] and a voice said unto me, "My son, if thou livest until thou are 85 years of age, thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man."


This was what the voice said to Joseph:


If thou livest until thou are 85 years of age thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man.


He continues:


I was left to draw my own conclusions concerning this, and I took the liberty of concluding that if I did live to that time He would make His appearance. But I do not say whether He will make His appearance, or I shall go where He is. I prophesy in the name of the Lord God, and let it be written, the Son of Man will not come in the clouds of heaven till I am 85 years old.


Now, at the time Joseph made this prophecy, Miller, of the Millerites, was making predictions about the coming of the Son of Man—about the years 1842-34. In these years, as you who have been kept informed will doubtless know, there was great excitement throughout the United States about the coming of the Son of Man, and Joseph prophesied that He would not come for the next forty years.


He goes on and says:


The coming of the Son of Man never will be, never can be, till the judgments spoken of for this hour are poured out, which judgments are commenced. It is not the design of the Almighty to come upon the earth and crush it and grind it to powder; but He will reveal it to His servants, the Prophets. Judah must return. Jerusalem must be rebuilt, and the Temple, and water come out from under the Temple, and the waters of the Dead Sea be  healed. It will take some time to build the walls of the city and Temple, etc., and all this must be done before the Son of Man will make His appearance. There will be wars and rumor of wars, signs in the heavens above and on the earth beneath, and the sun turned into darkness, and the moon to blood; earthquakes in divers places, the seas heaving themselves beyond their bounds. Then will appear the grand sign of the Son of Man in heaven. But what will the world say? They will say it is a planet, a comet, etc. But the Son of Man will come at the sign of the coming of the Son of Man, which will be as the light of the morning coming out of the east.


Now, the Prophet explains this in connection with his statement as to what the voice had said to him. He did not assert that Jesus would come in the clouds of heaven even if he lived to be eighty-five; but he was told that he should see Him, and he qualified it, so that there need be no misapprehension upon this subject.


I might read to you many revelations in this Book of Doctrine and Covenants (having the book in his hand) upon the same subject, in which the Lord plainly says that certain things shall take place. Allusion was made yesterday to some of them.


And again, verily I say unto you that the Son of Man cometh not in the form of a woman, neither of a man traveling on the earth. Wherefore be not deceived, but continue in steadfastness, looking forth for the heavens to be shaken and the earth to tremble and reel to and fro as a drunken man, and for the valleys to be exalted, and for the mountains to be made low, and for the rough places to become smooth; and all this when the angel shall sound his trumpet. But before the great day of the Lord shall come, Jacob shall flourish in the wilderness, and the Lamanites shall blossom as the rose; Zion shall flourish upon the hills and rejoice upon the mountains, and shall be assembled unto the place which I have appointed.


These are the words of God concerning the coming of the Son of Man. These revelations give unto us with great clearness the signs that shall precede His coming. Therefore, do not let us get unsettled in our minds. I feel it important that this Conference should not separate without having it clearly stated to you that you need not look for the coming of the Son of Man either this year or next. Though we cannot prophesy the day or the hour, we can prophesy some things concerning His coming, that is, that will take place before His coming. God has not left us in doubt upon these points. If you have time, read the 29th section of the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, and the 45th section, and the 88th section. Therefore, Latter-day Saints, go ahead and perform your duties carefully, consistently, and with a determination to do that which God requires at your hands. Do not look for some great cataclysm to occur, which will show all the world that this is the Kingdom of God. Perhaps such a thing will occur; but I will tell you what I have observed during my life—that God works in natural ways. His purposes come around seemingly perfectly natural—so natural that the world cannot see the hand of God in them. It requires faith and the Spirit of God to show these things. (George Q. Cannon, “Enduring to the End,” October 5, 1890, in Collected Discourses, ed. Brian Stuy, 5 vols. [Sandy, Utah: B. H. S. Publishing, 1988], 2:120-22)


Further Reading:

Resources on Joseph Smith's Prophecies


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