Saturday, December 21, 2024

James E. Talmage vs. British Israelism

In his journal for October 16, 1925, James E. Talmage reported on a lecture by the British Israel Federation Congress. Note that he was very critical of “British Israelism”:


Attended morning class with the brethren and then was present at the meetings of the Federation. The Westminster district was crowded with people during the early afternoon, all waiting to welcome the Prince of Wales back to England after his long tour of visits to South America and South Africa. I had but a few steps to take from Central Hall to the street along which the procession was to pass, and I had a good view of the Prince, with his father King George, also the Duke of York, Prince Henry, all riding in one carriage drawn by four prancing steeds. In spite of the heavy downpour of rain many thousands of people were massed along the streets in the Westminster district. I attended the afternoon and evening meeting of the Federation. As to the work of this organization, I incorporate here a letter prepared for transmission to the First Presidency of the Church:


President Heber J. Grant and Counselors

Salt Lake City, Utah


Dear Brethren:


In the afternoon of Wednesday, October 14th, your cablegram arrived reading as follows:


“Suggest advisability of your attending personally British Israel Federation Congress now in session at London.—Grant”


I left at the first available train and next morning was present at the opening of the Federation proceedings for the day.  I was present at all the sessions of Thursday and Friday, three each day. Before entering the meeting I reported my presence to the General Secretary, showing him your cablegram and making known to him just who I was and am. I was treated with marked consideration; and at the general meetings was given a place on the platform, with 21 other “ministers,” and, among these I was one of four whose collars were fastened in the front, the others being sartorially “gentlemen of the cloth.”


I was surprised in observing the positiveness, amounting to radicalism, with which the organization proclaims its views. Assuming from your cabled instructions that you desire some account of the Federation and its distinguishing activities, I respectfully submit the following brief report.


  1. “The British-Israel-World Federation” has been particularly active in the British Isles, and to some extent in the several Dominions overseas, during the last seven years.
  2. It holds that the British Nation is the Israel of the Old Testament, the designation “Israel” being used in its distinctive sense as apart from “Judah.”
  3. The distinction between Israel and Judah is emphasized to such an extent as to make it appear that the Jews are opponents if not enemies to the cause.
  4. The Federation claims to have demonstrated an unbroken line of descent from David, King of Israel, to David the present Prince of Wales.
  5. Great stress is laid upon the Scripture “For thus saith the Lord: David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the House of Israel” (Jeremiah 33:17). In several addresses delivered at the London Conference this Scripture was quoted, enlarged upon and exploited, as the sure word that the present Royal House of Britain shall never be overthrown, and this nation shall never change from a monarchial to a republican form of government.
  6. The present Prince of Wales, whose pr[a]enomen is given as Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick DAVID, is regarded as the Prince of Promise in a distinctive sense. The hymn most frequently sung in the course of the London meetings was that entitled “God Bless the Prince of Wales.”
  7. The City of Jerusalem was glowingly described as rebuilt and glorified, and specifically as the capital of the British Nation, or Israel.
  8. The mandate now held by Great Britain over Palestine is taken to be a direct fulfillment of Isaiah 49: 8 – 12.
  9. The name “Britain” is claimed to date back to the time of Abraham, it being a modified form of the Hebrew “Brit” meaning “covenant:” and the British people are held to be distinctively the covenant nation.
  10. It is unreservedly declared that the British people are the Ten Tribes, otherwise known as the Lost Tribes, of Israel.
  11. The cross in the Union Jack, or British Flag, is taken to be very significant, it being the only flag in use among the nations displaying the Cross of the Christ.
  12. The imminence of the second coming of Christ is stressed with great force; and it is held  that at His coming the present Royal House of Britain will be the ruling power among the nations, and that this House will hand over the reins of government to the King of kings and Lord of lords.


The foregoing are a few of the outstanding claims of the British-Israel-World Federation. Extravagant though some of these claims are, they are provocative of thought. We know that there is much of the blood of Israel among the Anglo-Saxon people; and perhaps it is not too much to say these peoples are of the House of Israel. (James E. Talmage, Journal, October 16, 1925)




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