The session appointed for 10 a.m. opened about 10:30, the
delay being due to belated trains coming from Lethbridge and Taylor Stakes. The
speakers at this session were [Presiding] Bishop David A. Smith, President A.
W. Ivins, President Edward J. Wood of Alberta Stake, who was announced by
President Grant as having been chosen by the First Presidency and Twelve as the
President of the Alberta Temple. The dedicatory prayer was offered and the
Hosanna Shout was led by President Heber J. Grant, and the President then
delivered the closing address. In the course of his remarks President Grant
said: “The day will never come when a majority of the First Presidency and a
majority of the Council of the Twelve will be wrong in their decisions
regarding vital affairs of the church.” The session closed at 1:05 p.m. (James
E. Talmage, Journal, August 27, 1923)
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