Friday, December 27, 2024

Bruce R. McConkie on the Generation of Adam by Heavenly Father and Mother (cf. Luke 3:38/JST Luke 3:45)

In an unpublished manuscript, Bruce R. McConkie taught that God the Father and Heavenly Mother came down to this earth and generated Adam in the same way we are generated by our earthly parents. This was done to begin the human race. This also confirms the reports of Reed C. Durham, Jr., to Elden Watson (see here). This is also one of the doctrines of the matrix of the Adam-God theory:


In tracing the genealogy of the Lord Jesus back to the beginning, Luke comes to “Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.”(Luke 3:38.) The inspired version changes this to read: “Adam, who was formed of God, and the first man upon the earth.” (JST, Luke 3:45.) As Luke wrote the account, this apparently was as much as it was deemed appropriate to say. However, those to whom the Book of Moses was directed were prepared to receive a plainer statement. The Mosaic account speaks “of Adam, who was the son of God, with whom God, himself, conversed.” (Moses 6:22.) This concept that Adam and Eve were born, in the literal sense of the word, with bodies of flesh and bones, has been taught by all our leading brethren from the beginning of the dispensation. They have said that Celestial Parents, whose normal course it is to beget spirit children only, did in these instances, by obedience to eternal law, provide tangible bodies for the primal parents of the human race. (Bruce R. McConkie, All Things: Their Creation, Fall, and Redemption [Unpublished Manuscript], p. 38 of PDF)


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