In spite of Decker’s nonsense, Oliver Granger’s name has
been held in sacred remembrance. LDS historians and Granger’s descendents have
held his name sacred, if other Latter-day Saints have not. Oliver Granger died
in 1841 in the service of the Lord. But most important is the fact that his
name has been held in sacred remembrance by the Lord. That is more important
than a great number of mortals remembering his works.
Historically, Squanto’s name has been held in sacred
honor also, but can three out of four Americans tell you who he is? His
befriending of the Pilgrims will always be remembered, but probably not by
great numbers. How many Christians can identify Lebbeus Thaddeus, yet his name
is held in sacred remembrance as an apostle of the Lord. It seems that Decker
is trying to squeeze the Lord's word so much that he is strangling the truth
and straining at a gnat.
By the way, my scriptures do have a little note | had
written in them extolling the virtues of Oliver Granger. This was before any
comment from Decker. Perhaps | am one of the four who remember Oliver Granger,
but at least his name is held in sacred remembrance. (Matt. 16:6-13). (James A.
Carver, "Answering an Ex-Mormon Critic" [Mormon Miscellaneous
Response Series 5; Sandy, Utah: March 1983], 14)
Further Reading:
on Joseph Smith’s Prophecies
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