Thursday, February 27, 2025

Jerry Michael Hullinger on the prince/leader of Ezekiel's Eschatological Temple

On the identity of the nasi (prince/leader) of Ezekiel’s eschatological temple:


This leader does not appear to be Christ, because he makes a sin offering for himself (45:22), and in addition, this leader Although some have identified this leader with David based on 34:23-24 and 37:24 (these are probably Messianic), it is really impossible to The religious privileges of this leader include supplying of the public sacrifices offered in the name of the people as he presents in person the regular sacrifices for the community. He also will have privileges of approach not accorded to ordinary worshipers. The outer court might be entered by the prince or people through the north or south gate, but not the east. The eastern gate was that by which Jehovah entered His dwelling place, and its doors are forever closed. But on the Sabbaths and New Moons, it will be opened to receive the sacrifices from the "leader" and it will remain open until evening. will have natural children (46:16). say. (Jerry Michael Hullinger, "A proposed solution to the problem of animal sacrifices in Ezekiel 40-48" [PhD Dissertation; Dallas Theological Seminary, 1993], 54 n. 23)



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