Monday, February 24, 2025

Robert F. Smith on Book of Mormon Names and Sources

My friend, Bob Smith, has a useful listing of Book of Mormon names and brief discussion of proposed etymologies and instances where they have been found in texts and inscriptions:


Based on the decipherment of ancient Egyptian and cuneiform writings, along with modern archeological discoveries, it is possible to offer many sound etymologies for Book of Mormon names and common nouns:


BofM Names……………..Source


ABLOM (Jaredite) Sumerian & Ugaritic place-name Abiluma


AGOSH (Jaredite) Aramean place-name Bit Agush (Bit Agusi)


AHA (Nephite) Hebrew אחא ʼḥʼ, ʹAḥaʹ on arrowheads, ostraca, seals, and bulla


ALMA (Nephite) Hebrew אלמא ʼAlma’ on Jerusalem ossuary; אלמא, אלמה on Bar Kokhba Letter 44


AMARON (Nephite) Aramaic ˤm(r)n, Punic ˤmrn (KAI #229:2-3)


AMMAH (Nephite) Aramaic & Punic personal name עמא ˁmʼ (KAI #78:9)


AMMARON (Nephite) Aramaic ˤm(r)n, Punic ˤmrn (KAI #229:2-3)


AMMONIHAH (Nephite) Hebrew ˁmwnyhw, ˁmnyhw ˁAmmôn-Yâhû on seals


AMNOR (Nephite) Hebrew *ˁAm-nur “My Divine Kinsman is light,” as in Canaanite name Raḥim-Nur “Beloved of Nur”


AMORON (Nephite) Aramaic ˤm(r)n, Punic ˤmrn (KAI #229:2-3)


ANTIONUM (Nephite) Egyptian nty wn im “He who exists there (in paradise/ heaven)”


ANTUM (Nephite) Sumero-Akkadian Antum “Earth,” female consort of Anu “Sky”


CHEMISH (Nephite) Hebrew-Canaanite כמיש Kemîš variant reading in Jeremiah 48:7


COM (Jaredite) Sumerian kum, gum “Crusher”


COMRON (Jaredite) Akkadian & Mari personal name Kumru


CORIANTUM (Jaredite) Sumerian names combined: kur.e2 + antum “Mountain Temple of Antum [bit Anti]”


CORIANTUMR (Jaredite) Sumerian names combined: kur.e2 + an.dimmer “Great-Temple-of-the-Heavenly-God”


COROM (Jaredite) Sumerian royal name KURUM


CUMENI (Nephite) Egyptian kmni “blind”; see PACUMENI below


CUMORAH (Nephite) Akkadian Qumāru, Kumāru “Shoulder” (part of constellation Cygnus the Swan) = Sumerian gu₂-mur₇-ŋu₁₀, gu₂-mur₇


CURELOM (Jaredite) Sumerian words combined: kur + e3-li-um “mountain-sheep”


DESERET (Jaredite) Egyptian dšrt “honey-bee” logo, but read as Hebrew dbrt (Joshua 19:12)


EMER (Jaredite/Nephite) Sumero-Akkadian place-name Emār in Syria


GADDIANTON (Nephite) Hebrew gĕdûdîm “robbers” (Hosea 6:9, 7:1), Phoenician bˁl gddm “gang of robbers”


GAZELEM (Nephite) Arabic غزال ġazal “gazelle”-stone = Sumerian Mašda-stone


GIDANAH (Nephite) Egyptian Dy-dw-n (later Dd-d-n-nЗ) = great Phoenician city-state Ṣidon = Hebrew צידן


GIDGIDDONAH (Nephite) Neo-Assyrian personal name Gid-gi-da-a-n[i], Gid-gid-da-nu


GIDGIDDONI (Nephite) Neo-Assyrian personal name Gid-gi-da-a-n[i], Gid-gid-da-nu


GIMGIMNO (Nephite) Egyptian place-name Gmgm.w (gmgm “smash, tear up, break”), Egyptian no means “city”


HELAMAN (Nephite) Akkadian name ḫal-la-ma-na (Ugaritic ḥlm, Ġullamanu)


HESHLON (Jaredite) Akkadian ḫašlu, ḫašālu “to grind, crush, shatter”


HIMNI (Nephite) Hebrew name חמן Ḥmn found on seals; in gentilic (nisbe) form


-IHAH (Nephite) Hebrew Trigrammaton YHH (= YAHU) on ostraca and in Elephantine Documents 1:2, and 13:14


IRREANTUM (Nephite) Egyptian name ’IrЗnt, ’Irnt for Orontes River, with the water-determinative at the close


JACOM (Jaredite) Hebrew יקום yāqûm “He shall rise, stand up; be established” (Job 25:3)


JASHON (Nephite) Hebrew *yāšûn “Old, Sleepy,” from root ישן yšn “to sleep; be old”


JENEUM (Nephite) Hebrew *yĕnĕʼūm “He shall reveal, shall prophesy, utter oracles”


JERSHON (Nephite) Hebrew *Yēršôn “Place of Inheritance,” from root ירש yāraš, “to inherit”


JOSH (Nephite) Hebrew יאש Yʼš (Yoʼš) on inscriptons, short for יאשיהו Yʼšyhw “The Lord gives, rewards”


KIB (Jaredite) Sumerian kib = Akkadian kibbu, kippu “object; wood or gold ornament”


KIM (Jaredite) Sumerian kim, kim3 “a stone,”as in name Kimaš, ki-maški


KIMNOR (Jaredite) Sumero-Akkadian *kim-nur “Stone of Nur,” as in Canaanite name Raḥim-Nur “Beloved of Nur”


KISHCUMEN (Jaredite) Hebrew “Hidden-Bow,” from root כמן kmn “hide,” and קיש qîš “Bow, Archer”


KUMEN (Nephite) Hebrew “Hidden,” from root כמן kmn “hide”


KUMENOHNI (Nephite) Hebrew “Hidden-strength,” כמן kmn “hide,” combined with Hebrew און ʼôn “strength”


LAMAN (Nephite) Arabic personal name Lâmân “Scoundrel”


LAMONI (Nephite) Gentilic/ nisbe form meaning “Lamanite”


LIAHONA (Nephite) Hebrew *layāḥōnê “Encamping for Yah,” from חנה ḥānâ, “to pitch (tent), encamp, dwell”


LIB (Jaredite) Sumerian lib "rich, well-off; high quality; happy"


LIMHAH (Nephite) Amorite & Hebrew *Lim-ḥa “Lim (God) lives; Lim has preserved alive; Lim makes life”; cf, Hebrew חיה ḥāyâ “live; make alive”


LIMHI (Nephite) Amorite & Hebrew *Lim-ḥay “Lim (God) lives; Lim has Preserved alive; Lim makes life”; cf, Hebrew חיה ḥāyâ “live; make alive”


LIMNAH (Nephite} Hebrew limnôt “count” (as in nimna “assigned,” Timna “Allotted-Portion,” etc.); Akkadian limnu “may he count”


LURAM (Nephite) West Semitic name LRM, luram “He is truly exalted” on seal and graffiti in Hamath, Syria


MAHAH (Jaredite) Sumerian ma-ḫa “great, highest, supreme”


MANTI (Nephite) Neo-Assyrian Manti = Egyptian name Mntw “Month (god)”


MATHONI (Nephite) Hebrew מתני *mtny “My Gift” (cf. KJV names Mattan, Mattenai, Mattanah, Mattaniah)


MATHONIHAH (Nephite) Hebrew מתניהו Mattanyahu “Gift of Yahu” in Lachish Letters and seal from Jerusalem; YHH for YAHU only at Elephantine


MIDDONI (Lamanite) Hebrew *Middoni “My Tribute,” from Ugaritic & Hebrew מדד mdd “tribute,” as in מדת middat “tribute,” and מדין Middin “Tribute”


MINON (Nephite) Hebrew *Minon “Bountiful,” from מנן mnn “to be bounteous,” as in Ammonite place-name מנית Minnith “Gift”


MOCUM (Nephite) Yiddish מקום mokum “town, safe-haven” from Hebrew מקום maqom “(holy) place”


MORIANCUMER (Jaredite) Sumero-Akkadian * “Reed-mat of heavenly-priest,” with reed-mat as hierosgamos wedding-bed, Akkadian kumru (Hebrew כמר kōmer “priest”)


MORIANTON (Jaredite) Sumerian * “Reed-mat of Temple-of-Heaven-is-bright, -pure”


MORIANTUM (Nephite) Sumerian *Mur.e2.Antum “Reed-mat of temple of Antum”


MORMON (Nephite) Egyptian Mr-mn “Enduring-Love,” short for Mr-mn-nfr “Beloved of Memphis”


MORON (Jaredite) Sumero-Akkadian *Muru ““Land of rain, Mist”


MORONI (Nephite) Hebrew gentilic or nisbe form meaning “Moronite; somebody from the land of Moron”


MORONIHAH (Nephite) Hebrew *Moron-YHH “Land of rain / mist of YHWH”


MOSIAH (Nephite) Hebrew Mośiaˁ “Savior, Redeemer” in Manassite-Gileadite dialect (Judges 12:6)


MULEK (Mulekite) Hebrew *Mulek “Little-king,” the diminutive of מלכיהו MalkiYahu son of King Zedekiah; Arad inscriptions; Punic molk and Canaanite mulk


MULOKI (Nephite) Hebrew *Muloki “Mulekite, Kingly” gentilic form, מלכי Mlky as in Jerusalem bulla


NAHOM (Nephite) Hebrew *Nāḥôm “Comfort, Consolation; Mourning; Moan,” as the burial place of Lehi’s friend Ishmael; ancient Arabic place-name Nhm / Nihm in that very location


NEAS (Nephite) Sumerian nominalizer niŋ-, ne- prefixed to aš “bread; a type of flour”; or Akkadian nominal prefix na-, ne- added to Old Akkadian áš, ás, áz “resin, seed, cereal, emmer-wheat; dry-measure of 3 BAN”


NEPHI (Nephite) Egyptian name Nfy “Captain,” from Egyptian nfy “sailor; captain, skipper”


NEPHIHAH (Nephite) Egyptian *Nfy-YHH “(My) Captain is YHWH,” with variant NEPHIAH also in BofM printer’s manuscript


NEUM (Nephite) Short for Hebrew נאם-יהוה nēʼūm-YHWH “declaration of Yahweh” (Jeremiah 2:3)


OGATH (Jaredite) Akkadian uggatu “rage, fury” = Sumerian ug “to kill; be furious, angry”; cf. divine name Ug, dug₂


OMNER (Nephite) Hebrew *ˁAm-nur “My Divine Kinsman is light,” same as AMNUR /AMNOR, as with Canaanite name Raḥim-Nur “Beloved of Nur”


OMNI (Nephite) Hebrew *’ōmnî “My-Faith,” as short for *’ōmnîyyahû, "faithfulness of the Lord"


ONIHAH (Nephite) Hebrew *ʼônyâ, ʼnyhh “Strength of Yah,” with Elephantine YHH


ONTI (Nephite) Egyptian gentilic *inti from participle int “bringing; buying,” from root inw (ini), “produce; tribute; gifts; dues (to be paid)”


PAANCHI (Nephite) Egyptian name PЗ-ˁnḫy “The Living One (God)” = Hebrew פענח – Paˁěnēaḥ (Genesis 41:45)


PACHUS (Nephite) Egyptian name PЗ-KЗš “He-of-Kush, The-Kushite; The-Black” = Coptic Pekōš, Greek Pakusis


PACUMENI (Nephite) Egyptian name PЗ-Kmni “The Blind-One”


PAGAG (Jaredite) Sumerian *pa-gag “Father-arrowhead,” from Sumerian pa4 “kin” (= Akkadian abu “father”)


PAHORAN (Nephite) Egyptian name P(З)-Ḫr(y) “The Syrian (Hurrian)” = Amarna cuneiform Paḫura; Aramaic Paḥura; or Egyptian P(З)-(n-)ḥr “He who belongs to Horus” = Coptic Pahor; cf. Canaanite (Ugaritic) Ḥoran, “Horus/Baal”


RABBANAH (Lamanite) Hebrew *rabbana “O Great One!” Vocative ending on רבב rbb “be numerous, increase, become powerful”; cf. Aramaic רבנא Rabbana; Neo-Babylonian rabbānû (Sumerian lú.gal)


RAMEUMPTOM (Zoramite) Hebrew *rāmê-ˁomedām "Their-high-standing-places; Their-holy-stand," from רמי rāmê- and עמדם ˁomdām, ˁumdām


RIPLAKISH (Jaredite) Hebrew “Abundant-Archer,” with רבלה Riblâ “Fertile, Abundant” + קיש Qîš “Bow, Archer” (Akkadian Qaštu “Bow, Archer”)


RIPLIANCUM (Jaredite) Sumerian *Rib-li-an-kam “Massive and Abundant Foliage,” from rib, lib₂ "(to be) surpassing, outstanding; (to be) strong, massive" + li “abundant” + an “foliage” + kam “it is of” (genitive + copula)


SARIAH (Nephite) Hebrew שריהו śryhw “Yahu-is-prince,” on stamp seals, and Elephantine ostracon and papyri


SEANTUM (Nephite) Egyptian *sЗ- + Ugaritic Antum “Son-of-Antum, Heavenly-Son”; “Great Antu” a star in Ursa Major


SEEZORAM (Nephite) Hebrew זה ze- + צורם ṣûrām “He-of-Zoram; Zoramite”


SENINE (Nephite) Egyptian sniw basic silver unit of value, from snw, snny “price”


SENUM (Nephite) Egyptian sniw basic silver unit of value, from snw, snny “price”


SEON/SEAN (Nephite) Hebrew סאן sn at Elephantine, from סאה sěâ “measure” (Genesis 18:6)


SHARED (Jaredite) Sumerian *Šar-ed “Total-rage; Demolish the world”


SHAZER (Nephite) Hismaic and Safaitic name Šaṣar “Young Gazelle” (Arabic شصر šaṣara “a kind of gazelle”)


SHELEM (Jaredite) Ugaritic šlmm “gifts sent as pledges of peace,” term for an offering on a high-place (bama) or temple mount, and by synecdoche the mount itself. Same as Hebrew שלם šelem, שלמים šělāmîm, and Punic šlm kll, “holocaust, offering” (CIS I:165)


SHEMLON (Lamanite) Hebrew variant on שמרון Shimron “Watching” (שמרון Šōmrôn “Samaria”), with -r- to -l- interchange


SHILLUM (Nephite) Hebrew שלום šillûm “repayment, recompense; bribe” = Akkadian šullumu “to repay”


SHILOM (Lamanite) Hebrew שלם šillūm, שלום šillûm “recompense, reward,” as in שלם Šelem “Retribution, Reward; Thanksgiving; Offering”


SHIM (Jaredite/Nephite) Akkadian šimtu “destiny, fate; testament, last will,” as in ṭuppi šīmāti “tablet of destinies, the book of fate,” placed in the hill


SHIZ (Jaredite) Akkadian šīsu "noise, cry, clamor, uproar; battle cry; lamentation"


SHULE (Jaredite) Sumerian šul “youth, young man; be manly; warrior, invader”


SHUM (Nephite) Egyptian dm, dm “name; mention (by name)” = Jibbali šum “name”; wordplay on Egyptian dˁm, dˁmw “fine-gold, electrum”


SHURR (Jaredite) Akkadian šu-ú-ur, šuru “wall,” in names such as mÉ-DINGIR. šu-ú-ur “Bethel is my wall” (Akkadian Bitilšuru) = Hebrew שור šûr “Fortification, Wall, Terrace, Hillside”


TEANCUM (Nephite) Sumerian *Te-an-kam “He is the Eagle of Heaven” (genitive + copula), with Sumerian constellation Te, multe₈mušen “Eagle, Aquila”


TEOMNER (Nephite) Sumerian *Te-uma-ŋir “Aquila victorious over Scorpio,” with Ŋir, dŋir₂, mulŊir₂-tab “Scorpio”


TUBALOTH (Lamanite) Hebrew abstract plural *tûbalôt “copper-working; craftsmanship,” from תובל Tûbal


UGATH (Jaredite) Akkadian uggatu Arage, fury@ = Sumerian ug “to kill; be furious, angry”; cf. divine name Ug, dug₂


ZARAHEMLA (Mulekite) Hebrew *zeraˁ-ḥemlâ “Seed of Compassion,” as with זרע המלוכה zeraˁ hammělûkâ “royal descendant” (Jeremiah 41:1)


ZEEZROM (Nephite) Egyptian ZЗ-/SЗ-EZROM, “Son of Ezrom, Son of Silver”


ZENEPHI (Nephite) Egyptian ZЗ-Nfy “Son of Nephi”


ZENIFF (Nephite) Hebrew צניף ṣānîp “headband, tiara,” like מצנפת miṣnepet “tiara, turban-like headband,” from same root


ZERAHEMNAH (Lamanite) Hebrew *zeraˁ-ḥmnh “Offspring of Ḥemna” with name חמן Ḥmn, on two Hebrew seals


ZERAM (Nephite) Hebrew *זה-רם “The-one-who-is-high, This-one-is-exalted”


ZORAM (Nephite) Hebrew צורם ṣûrām “Their-Rock” (Deuteronomy 32:30-31)


He also plugs the online Book of Mormon Onomasticon website. For those who, like me, prefer print over digital media, see also the book based on their research:


Dictionary of Proper Names and Foreign Words in the Book of Mormon, ed. Stephen D. Ricks et al.


Also, the work of my friend Matthew Bowen on Book of Mormon onomasticon and paronomasia is top-notch material, too.



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