Monday, February 24, 2025

Ian Barber on Implicit Evidence of Uniquely Latter-day Saint Doctrines in the Book of Mormon


One should note, however, that despite the "weakness" of the language, the germs of many doctrinal truths may be readily observed in the pages of the Book of Mormon. In addition to my previous discussion on the hints of God's corporeality, one might also compare the doctrine of plural heavens and salvation for the dead with the Book of Mormon concept of the universal applicability of the atonement, and God's justice and fairness to all, both the living and the dead as found in 2 Nephi, 9, especially verses 25 and 26, Alma 42 and Moroni 8. Compare also the concept of the eternity of the family unit with Jacob 2:23-25 and Mosiah 4:14-15, reflecting a concern for marital fidelity and domestic harmony - especially interesting is Jacob 2:30 in light of D&C 132:63. (Note that Moroni 8:18 and 9:9-10 do not ,as the Rees' suggest contradict eternal progression anymore than Hebrews 13:8 contradicts Philippians 2:6-9. God remains unchangeable in the essential characteristics of justice, judgement and mercy despite the fact that "of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end .... " Isaiah 9:6-7). (Ian Barber, What Mormonism’ Isn’t [Auckland, New Zealand: Pioneer Books, 1981], E4)



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