We believe in the immaculate conception of the Virgin
Mary, and that the Child born at Bethlehem of Judea was in very deed the Son of
God, the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh. That he is our advocate with
the Father, the medium through which we reach the throne of grace.
The foundation of the Church is laid in God the Eternal
Father, his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, which constitute the Godhead.
No person can become a member of the Church until he has taken upon him the
name of Christ, and entered into the covenant that he is willing to serve him,
and keep the commandments which he has given, to the best of his ability. He
must accept the ordinance of baptism, which is administered in the name of the
Father, Son and Holy Ghost, in other words be must accept Christ as the
Redeemer of the world, without reservation.
The members of the Church meet together once each week
and partake of the sacrament in remembrance of the body and blood of our Lord.
Every ordinance of the Church, every act performed, is administered in the name
of Christ. (Conference
Report [April 1926], 23)
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