In the context of the
classification of doctrine, then, the distinction between the ordinary and extraordinary
magisterium is typically schematized as follows:
I. Catholic Dogma (de
fide credenda)
a. Defined by
Extraordinary Magisterium
i. By the Pope Speaking
ex cathedra
ii. By an Ecumenical
b. Taught by Ordinary
and Universal Magisterium
II. Definitive
Catholic Doctrine (de fide tenenda)
a. Defined by Extraordinary
i. By the Pope
speaking ex cathedra
ii. By an Ecumenical
b. Taught by Ordinary
and Universal Magisterium
III. Authentic
Catholic Doctrine
a. Taught by Ordinary
Magisterium of People
b. Taught by Ordinary
Magisterium of Bishops (John Joy, On the Ordinary and Extraordinary magisterium
from Joseph Kleutgen to the Second Vatican Council [Studia Oecumenica
Friburgensia 84; Münster: Ashendorff Verlag, 2017], 9)
Further Reading
John P. Joy on Theological Notations in Catholicism