Thursday, January 13, 2022

Brian Collins, "Were the Fathers Amillennial? An Evaluation of Charles Hill's Regnum Caelorum"

Today I read Charles E. Hill, Regnum Caelorum: Patterns of Millennial Thought in Early Christianity (2d ed.; Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2001). For a good review of this book, including is surprisingly bad handing of Irenaeus to support the thesis that a-, not pre-millennialism was the eschatology of the earliest Christians (against the vast majority of patristic scholars, including those who, confessionally, a-millennial), see the following review:

Brian Collins, "Were the Fathers Amillennial? An Evaluation of Charles Hill's Regnum Caelorum," Bibliotheca Sacra 177 (April-June 2020): 207-20

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