Friday, January 7, 2022

Ross Hassig on the Population Numbers of Central Mexico during the time of the Aztec Empire


The previously given population estimates tell us that at 1 percent of central Mexico as a whole, the upper class would number 130,000 to 252,000 members, at 2 percent 260,000 to 504,000, and at 10% 1.3 to 2.52 million. As roughly half the population of central Mexico is estimated to have fallen within the Aztec empire, the size of the upper class that could have been supported ranges from a low of 65,000 to a high of 1.26 million people. (Ross Hassig, Polygamy and the Rise and Demise of the Aztec Empire [Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2016], 63)


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