This month would have marked the 95th birthday of Anne Frank, so it is a good reason to share this meme that Aaron Shafovaloff hates (be sure to share it far and wide; I know at least one of his kids has seen it):
Blog Archive
- Excerpts from The New Hampshire Confession (1833) ...
- Maximus the Confessor on "Forerunner" in Ambigua 49
- Brian S. Rosner and Beverly Roberts Gaventa on "me...
- Notes from Beverly Roberts Gaventa, Romans: A Comm...
- Geocentrism in Maximus the Confessor's The Ambigua
- More Instances of Maximus the Confessor predicatin...
- Patrick Schreiner, "Ancient Near Eastern and Old T...
- A. Andrew Das on Romans 7:2-3
- Paulus Wyns on the Suffering Servant
- A. Andrew Das on the Supposed Hillel-Shammai Debat...
- Paulus Wyns (Christadelphian), "Resolving the Cyru...
- Paulus Wyns (Christadelphian) on the "sons of God"...
- Paulus Wyns on possible typological links between ...
- The descensus ad inferos in the Council of Toledo ...
- Use of Temple Language in Adolf Haag (1865-1892) t...
- William R. Schoedel on the use of θυσιαστήριον ("a...
- New From the B. H. Roberts Foundation: "The Book o...
- αιων aion being used for the "eternity" of created...
- Gerritt Dirkmaat's Tribute to the Prophet Joseph S...
- Jaroslav Klokočník on the Use of a Magnetic Compas...
- Irving Finkel on אוֹב (‘ôb) and יִדְּעֹנִי (yidd...
- Discussions of Various Eucharistic Miracles on "Fa...
- Nicolò Scillacio (c. 1494): Columbus Instructing N...
- Scriptural Mormonism Podcast Episode 57: Interview...
- Maximus the Confessor (d. 662) on John the Baptist...
- The Meaning of “one sole energy” of God in Maximus...
- Listing of Hebrew and Greek Lexicons I often use
- Example of Theosis in Volume 1 of the Ambigua by M...
- Lowell L. Bennion on the Difference between a "doc...
- Maximus the Confessor on the "Third Heaven"
- Maximus the Confessor on Jesus and Melchizedek bei...
- Maximus the Confessor on Phinehas
- Maximus the Confessor Interpreting "Israel" as "[h...
- Maximus the Confessor Predicating θεος in Titus 2:...
- John P. Murphy (RC) on the Damnation of Infants wh...
- C. Cronin (RC) writing before Sacramentum Ordinis ...
- Stephen Finlan on Mark 3:31-35
- Anscar Vonier (RC) on the Saints's Role in the Fin...
- The Navarre Bible on 2 Corinthians 5:21
- M. C. D’Arcy on the Sacrifice of the Mass being Of...
- The Navarre Bible on 1 Corinthians 4:6
- D. Michael Quinn and the Tanners on the "Rocky Mou...
- Robert Roberts on the Importance of the Writings o...
- J. D. C. Fisher on Thecla's Self-Baptism in the Ac...
- 3,300-year old ship discovered off Israeli coast
- Apologia Utah Embarrasses Themselves against Travi...
- Robert L. Millet on Matthew 2:23
- Brian Hales, "How Could Joseph Smith Have Written ...
- O. R. Vassall-Phillips (RC) on the "Woman" in Reve...
- Anne Frank and a Calvinist Showing his True Colors
- The Navarre Bible on 1 Corinthians 1:17
- Mark E. Petersen on John 1:1
- John E. Anderson on Jacob’s Prayer in Genesis 32:1...
- Amazon Wishlist for the Blog/Podcast
- J. N. Sanders on John 21:11 and 153 Fish being Caught
- Excerpts from "The Bishop of Rome" (2024)
- Maximus the Confessor (d. 662) on 2 Corinthians 5:21
- Maximus the Confessor (d. 662) on Romans 2:13 (cf....
- J. N. Sanders on John 20:23
- Walther Zimmerli on Ezekiel 44:2
- Dennis A. Wright (Reformed Protestant and long-sta...
- Royal Skousen on Alma 29:4 and "yea decreeth unto ...
- J. N. Sanders on John 4:24
- Donald W. Parry on Isaiah 50:2
- J. N. Sanders on John 4:18
- J. N. Sanders on John 1:3
- Lynn Allan Kauppi on the Ontological Existence of ...
- Juha Pakkala on the Theology of the Earliest Strat...
- Some Notes from Fernand Prat on the Nature of Reve...
- Fernand Prat on the meaning of καθιστημι in Romans...
- Fernand Prat on the Problems with the Historic Pro...
- Fernand Prat on the Problems with Penal Substitution
- Clause 14 of the Birmingham Amended and Unamended ...
- Fernan Prat on Spiritual Gifts and the Charism Imp...
- Fernand Prat (RC) on 1 Corinthians 15:29
- Fernand Prat on εν ρηματι ("by the word") as a ref...
- Off to the Mormon History Association Conference (...
- Thecla's Self-Baptism in The Life of Thecla (fifth...
- Tzimin being used for a horse, not just a tapir, a...
- Karl Barth (1886-1968): Paul was neutral on the pr...
- Request for an article from Le Muséon (1958)
- Ted Jones's Response to J. P. Holding's Critique o...
- Reviews of the Works of Taylor Petrey and D. Micha...
- S. Kent Brown (LDS) on the Preexistence of the Sou...
- Barry Bickmore's Responses to J. P. Holding, "The ...
- The Targums on Numbers 22:20
- Mitch Pacwa (RC) on Mark 3:21-35
- Jack R. Lundbom on Joel 1:14 and Fasting
- David R. Seal (Protestant/advocate of creation ex ...
- An Example of a Protestant Commentator on 1 Peter ...
- Mitch Pacwa (RC) on Genesis 3:15
- Excerpts from Frederick Çalder, Memoirs of Simon E...
- John Tvedtnes, "Sustaining Priesthood Officers"
- “Passion of the Twenty Martyrs of Mar Saba (d. 797...
- Luman Andros Shurtliff (c. 1842/1843) discussing P...
- Luman Andros Shurtliff (1807-1884) Discussing Esch...
- Issues Concerning the Accuracy of W. W. Phelps's A...
- Passion of Peter of Capitolias (d. 715)" vs. Sola ...
- J. V. Fesko (Reformed) on Romans 5:18-19
- Gaius Marius Victorinus (290-364) teaching Baptism...