Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Hannah Adams on "Adam Kadman" Traditions



The rectilineal beam of light, which is the first emanation from the eternal fountain, and is itself the source of all other emanations, may be distinguished by the name of Adam Kadman, the first man, the first production of divine energy, or, the Son of God. The Sephire are fountains of emanation, subordinate to Adam Kadman, which send forth rays of divine light or communicate essence and life to inferior beings. The ten Sephire are known, according to the order of emanation, by the names, Intelligence, or the Crown, Knowledge, Wisdom, Strength, Beauty, Greatness, Glory, Stability, Victory, Dominion. (Hannah Adams, The History of the Jews from the Destruction of Jerusalem to the Nineteenth Century [Boston: John Eliot, Jun., 1812]: 1:122)



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