Friday, August 16, 2024

Other instances of χαριτοω in the perfect passive form commenting on the spiritual qualities of someone/something

The following is based on Conţac, Dilemele fidelităţii: condiţionări culturale şi teologice în traducerea Bibliei (Cluh-Napoca, Romania: Logos, 2011), 203-5:


Clement of Alexandria, Prologue, Stromata I,1.14.1: το πνευμα εκεινο το κεχαριτωμενον = "that spirit full of grace"


Clement of Alexandria, Pedagogue (III.11.83.3), citing Sirach 9:8: "Turn your eyes away from the charming woman (από γυναικος κεχαριτωμενης) and don't look at foreign beauty"


Origen, in a note on John 1:16, in Fragmenta in evangelium Jonannis, in E. Preuschen, ed., Origenes Werke, vol. 4, GCS, vol. 10, Hinrichs, Leipzig, 1903, p. 423: η αρετη χαρις εστι κεχαριτωμενον ποιουσα τον εχοντα = "but which makes endowed with grace the one who has"


Epiphanius, Panarion, vol. 3, ed. K. Holl, GCS, vol. 37, Hinrichs, Leipzig, 1933, p. 172: Μωυσης, συνεσι εκ θεου κεχαριτωμενος = "Moses, being endowed by God with wisdom"


Theodore the Studite, Episulae, vol. 1-2, ed. G. Gatouros, CFHB, vol. 31, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1992, p. 651: Ο, how the good nurse left us, the woman carrying Christ, the treasure of consideration, the face full of grace (το κεχαριτωμενον προσωπον), the domain the markets..."


Martyrium Matthaei (c. AD 400) §1, in R. A. Lipsius şi M. Bonnet, ed. Acta Apoctolorum Apocrypha, II/1, Mendelssohn, Leipzig, 1898, p. 218: "Grace and peace be with you, charming child (ω παιδιον κεχαριτωμενον)"


Gregory of Nyssa, Epistulae, ed. G. Pasquali, GNO, val. 8.2, ed. a 2-a, Brill, Leiden, 1959, ep. 18, secţiunea 5. Pentru o traducere în limba engleză, vezi NPNP, vol. 5, (Letter 14), p. 538: "much loved home (οικος κεχαριτωμενος), brothers, relatives, people of the house, dear companions, friends, hearth, pantry, bed, chair, bag [of hair], secluded corner, prayer, tear"


(Pseudo-)Diognetus the Areopagite, About Divine Appointments, IV, 7, in Opere complete, trad. D. Stăniloae, Paideia: This good is praised by the holy speakers as beautiful (καλον), and as beauty (καλλος) and as love, and as beloved, and by all other divine designations due to the beautiful (ωραιοτητος), of beauty maker (καλλοποιου) and full of grace (κεχαριτωμενης)."




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