Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Catholic "Answers" on the Number of God

After a crushing defeat of Trent Horn by Jacob Hansen (see my review here), pop-level Catholic apologists again show that they have never truly studied informed Latter-day Saint apologetics and scholarship with the following from Tim Staples (author of Behold Your Mother, second only to Christadelphian apologists Duncan Heaster's The Real Devil as the most eisegesis-filled book I have read in my life):

How to Respond When a Mormon Claims More than One God

Staples, notwithstanding his claim that he knows how LDS interact with the Bible (which I am sure is an absolute falsehood), throws out Deut 6:4 (the Shema) and various texts from Isaiah (e.g., Isa 44:24) without any exegesis. This only shows that pop Catholic apologetics is about "boundary maintenance" and not interacting in a meaningful manner with the best the other side (not just LDS) has to offer.

For an exegesis of the relevant texts, see, for e.g., Exegesis of texts quoted in Micah Beaumont, "A comparison between Joseph Smith's 'King Follett Sermon' and the Bible"


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