Some Thoughts on the Degrees of Glory
Evangelicals claim that 1 Cor 15:40-42 refer to "the
bodies Celestial(sun, moon, stars) and the bodies Terrestial (earth)", and
that it does not refer to three degrees of glory. The only problem is, this
argument completely ignores verse 41, which differentiates between 3 or MORE
glories. Why didn't Paul just mention the glory of the sun, as compared to that
of the stars if this was truly his intent? Paul was never one to beat around
the bush. Even though he is discussing bodies and not kingdoms, it is clear
that we shall be glorified on MANY levels as determined at the judgment and
shall receive rewards according to our works (Matt 16:27; Rom 14:10-12; 1 Cor
3:8; Rev 20:12-13).
Other Bible passages hint that there is more than one kingdom
in heaven (1 Kings 8:27; Matt 25:21, 23, 34; 2 Peter 3:13; Rev 5:10), but the
parable of the sower deserves some notice. In that parable, it is noted that some
seeds "fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some [multiplied]
an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, [and] some thirtyfold". (Matt 13:8) The
fact that these numbers are significant is accentuated by the following verse,
"Who hath ears to hear, let him hear" (Matt 13:9).
Papias [AD 160], who had it personally from John (according
to the first-hand account of Polycarp; Against Heresies, V, 33,4), writes that
"as the Elders say, Those who are deemed worthy of an abode in heaven
shall go there, others shall enjoy the delights of Paradise, and other shall
possess the splendor of the city [Rev 22:14]; for everywhere the Savior will be
seen, according as they shall be worthy who see him [Rev 22:4]. But that there
is this distinction between the habitation of those who produce an hundredfold,
and that of those who produce sixtyfold, and that of those who produce
thrtyfold; for the fruit will be taken up into heaven; the second class will
dwell in Paradise, and the last will inhabit the city; and that on this account
the Lord said, "In my house are many mansions'; for all things belong to
God, who supplies all with a suitable dwelling place, even as his word says,
that a share is given to all by the Father, according as each is or shall be
worthy" (Relics of the Elders, 5)
Other early church writers also taught that there were "three
degrees of glory", for example Iraneaus [AD 178] who says in "Against
Heresies": "The Elders, the disciples of the Apostles, affirm that
(the thirtyfold, the sixtyfold, and the hundredfold) are the gradation and arrangement
of those who are saved, and that they advance through steps of this
nature" (V,36,2)" Though the Bible doesn't contain a clear
description of the mansions within God's house, (John 14:2), reason should convince
even the skeptic that a just God could not divide all mankind into two general
categories, one destined for heaven, and the other destined for Hell. (Anonymous, “Some Thoughts
on the Degrees of Glory,” Apologia: In Defense of the Faith 3, no. 2
[February 2000]: 8)
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