Monday, December 6, 2021

Listing of Articles Related to the "Ancient of Days"


The Ancient of Days Not being God the Father in Non-LDS Writings

Andrew Chester on Adam being the "Ancient of Days" in The Testament of Abraham

Orson Pratt on the Identity of the Ancient of Days (1843)

Jacob of Serug (451-521) Identifying the "Ancient of Days" with Jesus

Some Notes on the "Ancient of Days" not being God the Father and Related Issues

Chris Kugler on Daniel 7:13-14

John H. Walton on Daniel 7 and the Grammatical Distinction between the "Ancient of Days" and the "Most High"

Klaus Koch on the Old Greek of Daniel 7 and the Son of Man Probably Denoting the Archangel Michael

James D.G. Dunn on the Merging of the "Son of Man" and the "Ancient of Days"

Alexander A. Di Lella on the Old Greek of Daniel 7 and the "Son of Man" Appearing As the "Ancient of Days"

James B. Jordan (Reformed Protestant): The "Ancient of Days" is Not God the Father

Neutral, Negative, and Positive Reviews of Phillip B. Munoa III, Four Powers in Heaven: The Interpretation of Daniel 7 in the Testament of Abraham

Phillip B. Munoa III, Four Powers in Heaven: The Interpretation of Daniel 7 in the Testament of Abraham

André Lacocque on the title "Ancient of Days"

Phillip B. Munoa III on Exalted Figures being Given the Attributes of Both the Son of Man and the Ancient of Days

Reformation-Era Commentators Debating Whether the "Ancient of Days" was the Father or the Son

Peter R. Carrell on the Ancient of Days

Peter R. Carrell: John, in the Book of Revelation, understands Daniel's "Ancient of Days" and "the Most High" to Be the Same Person

The “Ancient of Days” Being a “distinguishable manifestation of God as a high angel” for the Author of the Book of Revelation

B.H. Roberts on Adam/Michael being the "Ancient of Days" in The Mormon Doctrine of Deity (1903)

Joseph Smith and His Contemporaries on the Ancient of Days being Michael/Adam

Examples 19th century Patriarchal Blessings Mentioning the "Ancient of Days"

Texts and Translations of Daniel 7:9, 13-14, 22-25

The Reworking of the Ba'al Cycle in Daniel 7:9-13

Alfred Seth Bradley (Church of God General Conference) in a Debate in 1906: The Ancient of Days is not God but "the Olden Times"

George M. Myers (1842-1908): the "Ancient of Days" being the Messiah and/or the People of God by Divine Investiture

John Thomas (1805-1871): Jesus being the "Ancient of Days" by Means of "God-Manifestation" (Divine Investiture of Authority)

John Thomas (1869): The “Ancient of Days” is a Corporate Entity (the Church) and the “Son of Man” (Jesus) as a “God-Manifestation”

John Thomas in "Anatolia" (1854): The "Ancient of Days" being the Father

The Father and the Son being the "Ancient of Days" in the light of the "Phanerosis" or "God-manifestation" Doctrine in the Current Christadelphian Hymnal

Ezra D. Gifford (1860-1953): The "Ancient of Days" is Jesus

Wiley Jones (1835-1898): Christ is the "Ancient of Days" as He Will Come Clothed "In the Glory of His Father"

Thomas Wilson (1835-1926) on Jesus being the “Ancient of Days” in Daniel 7

Robert Gresham Huggins (1877-1955): The “Ancient of Days” is the Father and, by Divine Investiture, the Son, too

Henry Jones vs. George Storrs on the Identity of the "Ancient of Days" (1850)

"J.S.," News of a New World from The Word and Works of God  (1607): The "Ancient of Days" is the Father and, by Divine Investiture, Jesus

John Bellamy (Hebraist) in 1792: Jesus is both the "Son of Man" and the "Ancient of Days" in Daniel 7

Robert Fleming (1705) Appealing to the Zohar and the Ancient of Days being "Adam Kadam"/"Most Ancient Adam"

John Cumming (1861): The "Ancient of Days" is the Jewish Nation, not God the Father or Jesus Christ

Hippolytus of Rome (170-235): There is Only One Ancient of Days, and it is God the Father, not Jesus

Bogdan G. Bucer (Eastern Orthodox) on Hippolytus Identifying the "Ancient of Days" with Jesus in his Contra Noetum

Phillip B. Munoa on Hippolytus Indirectly Identifying Abraham with the title "Ancient of Days"

Gretchen Kraehling on Hippolytus's Commentary on Daniel and the Identity of the Ancient of Days

Irenaeus' use of Daniel 7 and the "Ancient of Days" in Against Heresies

Henry Ramsden Bramley (1833-1917): The "Ancient of Days" is Jesus

Samuel Gray in "The Gospel Herald" (1883): The "Ancient of Days" is Jesus, not the Father

John Roche in Response to the Moravians (1741): The "Ancient of Days" is God the Father, not Jesus

18th/19th-century Moravian Hymnbooks Identifying the “Ancient of Days” with Jesus

Moravian Theologian and Hymnist John Cennick (1746): The "Ancient of Days" is Jesus cannot be the Father as No Man Has Ever Seen God

Yefet ben Ali (10th century): The "Ancient of Days" is not God but An Angel

Oecumenius (6th century): The Father, not Jesus, is the Ancient of Days

Joseph Smith: The "Ancient of Days" is "the oldest man"

C.L. Seow, "Ancient of Days," in The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible

Holger Gzella, “עתיק,” (attīq) in the Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament

The Singular Throne of the “Ancient of Days” being Used as a Proof-Text against the “Minnim” (Christians) in the Babylonian Talmud

Ptah, Amun, the Ancient of Days and Lord of Years: Potential Clues from Egypt

Notes from Bogdan G. Bucer (Eastern Orthodox), "The Son of Man and the Ancient of Days" (2017)

Notes on 1 Enoch 46 and 48 and the Ancient of Days and Son of Man

John J. Collins on the use of עליונין in Daniel 7:18

Rabbi Hayyim Galipapa (1310-1380): The "Ancient of Days" is Matthias Maccabees

Ibn Ezra (11th century): The "Ancient of Days" is Michael the Archangel

The “Son of Man” in Daniel 7 being Interpreted as Metatron (Enoch) in Gedullat Mosheh (sixth century AD)

The Interpretation of Daniel 7 in "The Apocryphon of John"

Daniel 7:9 and the “Ancient of Days” in the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

James A. Montgomery (1927) and S.R. Driver (1905) on the “Ancient of Days"

Anthon H. Lund (October 6, 1902) on Adam/Michael/Ancient of Days being a “G/god” in Latter-day Saint Theology

Greek and English Translations of Testament of Abraham (Recension A) 11:8-12, 12:4-5, 11 and 13:1-3

Greek and English Translations of Testament of Abraham (Recension B) 11:1-10

Robert Roberts (1884): The “Ancient of Days” will come in the Person of Jesus

Re’uyot Yehezqel (Late Rabbinic Midrash) and its Quotation of Daniel 7:9 Identifying Michael/Metatron as the "Ancient of Days" and the Surrogate of God

Marvin H. Pope on El as the "Father of Years" in the Ugaritic Tablets

Notes from John A. Emerton, "The Origin of the Son of Man Imagery" (1958)

Notes taken from Crispin H.T. Fletcher-Louis, “The High Priest as Divine Mediator in the Hebrew Bible: Dan 7:13 as a Test Case" (1997)

(Pseudo-)Dionysius the Areopagite (fifth/sixth century) on the “Ancient of Days” as a Title to the Godhead


"Ancient of Days" in Eastern Orthodoxy


The Great Council of Moscow (1667) and Leonid Ouspensky (1902–1987) on the "Ancient of Days" being the Son, not the Father, in Eastern Orthodoxy

Benjamin Wilson (1817–1900): The "Ancient of Days" is God the Father

Berean Christadelphian Ecclesial News (August 1938): Jesus as the “Ancient of Days” in light of “God-manifestation” (Phanerosis)

Notes on Daniel 7 from John E. Goldingay, Daniel (Word Biblical Commentary)

Examples of Jesus being Depicted as the "Ancient of Days" in Iconography

Maurice Casey (1976) on the Testament of Abraham and Whether it Identifies Abel as the "Son of Man" of Daniel 7

Richard Bauckham on Daniel 7:14 having a Then-Future Fulfillment According to the Book of Revelation

Examples of the “Ancient of Days” being Equated with the Father in Seventh-day Adventist Literature

John of Damascus and Theodore the Studite's Interpretation of the "Ancient of Days" in the Context of Defending Icons and Icon Veneration

Steven Ritter (Eastern Orthodox Priest): The "Ancient of Days" is not the Father but Jesus

Hassan Shabazz (Muslim Apologist and Imam): The "Son of Man" is Muhammad and the "Ancient of Days" is the Archangel Michael

Norman L. Geisler and Abdul Saleeb (Evangelical Protestants): The "Ancient of Days" is a title Shared by both God the Father and the "Son of Man" (Jesus) in Daniel 7

Crispin H.T. Fletcher-Louis on Noah being Paralleled with the Ancient of Days in 1 Enoch 106

Dragoş Andrei Giulea on the Distinction between the "Ancient of Days" and "the Most High" in Daniel 7

Jürg Eggler, on the tradition history of the epithet "Ancient of Days"

Jürg Eggler on the Proposals of Aspects of "Adam" Theology and Concepts in Daniel 7

Eggler and Delcor Daniel 7 Demythologizing Previous Traditions

Jürg Eggler's Listing of Various Arguments against a Canaanite Influence Behind Daniel 7

Cyril of Alexandria Identifying Jesus with the "Son of Man" in Daniel 7

Request: know any ancient or modern theologians/commentators who are argued that the Ancient of Days is not God the Father? Let me know at ScripturalMormonismATgmailDOTcom so I can research such and perhaps add it to this collection.