Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Peter Bekins's Translation of Kuntillet Ajrud Pithos A & B (9th century BC)


Kuntillet Ajrud Pithos A (9th century BC):


1 אמר א[שין] המ[ל]ך אמר ליהל[לאל] וליועשה ו[     ] ברכת אתכם

2 ליהוה שמרן לאשרתה (Peter Bekins, Inscriptions from the World of the Bible: A Reader and Introduction to Old Northwest Semitic [Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson Academic, 2020], 95)




1 Ashyah, the king swys:

(1) “Say to Yahallelel and to Yawasah and [

(1) ‘I thereby bless you 2 by Yahweh-of-Samaria and by his Asherah.’” (Ibid., 96)



Kuntillet Ajrud Pithos B (9th century BC):


1 [א]מר

2 אמריו א

3 מר ל אדנ[י]

4 השלם א[ת]

5 ברכתך לי

6 הוה תמן

7 ולזשריה יב

8 רך וישמרך

9 ויהי עם אד[נ]

10 י (Peter Bekins, Inscriptions from the World of the Bible: A Reader and Introduction to Old Northwest Semitic [Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson Academic, 2020], 97)





1 Amaryah 2 [sa]ys:

(2) “Say 3 to [my] lord, 4 ‘Are y[ou] well?

5 I bless you by Yahweh 6 of Toman 7 and by his Asherah.

(7) My he bless 8 you, and may he keep you, and 9 may he be with my 10 lo[rd].’” (Ibid., 98)



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