Monday, December 13, 2021

W.L. Crowe (1866-1924) vs. the Latter-day Saint Interpretation of Revelation 14:6

W.L. Crowe (1866-1924), a member of the Church of God Abrahamic Faith, wrote an anti-Mormon book entitled The Mormon Waterloo in 1902. In it, he attempted to counter a number of "proof-texts" from the Bible Latter-day Saints used, and continue to use, to support our claims. As I think it is important for Latter-day Saints to be familiar with attempted counters to our claims (and I doubt many have interacted with this particular denomination or similar ones, and the eschatology underlying their approach to the book of Revelation), I am reproducing his attempt to answer the "Mormon" appeal to Rev 14:6:

On these claims we would remark first; that the aionion glad tidings, (Diaglott), of Rev. 14, could not refer to the gospel of Christ restored, for the two messages are entirely distinct. The gospel of Christ was glad tidings of a kingdom, preached first to the Jews, and after that to the ten tribes and Gentiles, to take out officers, to rule in the future kingdom of God. Matt. 4:17; 10:5-9; 28:19, 20; Acts 15:13-19; 1 Cor. 6:2, and Rev. 5:8, 10, etc.


But the messages of Rev. 14 are glad tidings only to the righteous. First: that “the hour of judgment has come.” This was not preached in Jesus’ time, and therefore is not a “restored gospel,” but is a distinct message for the end of this age, and not yet announced; for part of the saints will be caught away from the earth before that judgment, with its “unmixed wrath” begins. Rev. 3:10; 14:9; Gen. 21:36; Matt. 24:40, Rev. 17:12, etc.


The second angel’s message, as contained in this age lasting gospel, announces the fall of the mystical Babylon of Rev. 17. This could not be a “restored gospel,” for Babylon—the Church of Rome and her daughters . . the Protest sects—had not yet arisen when Jesus did his preaching. Neither does Rev. 17 show Rome of the past, but a resurrected Papacy in the coming hour of judgment. See Rev. 17:1, 8, 12. Hence the folly of calling this a “restored gospel.” . . . The third announcement of this age lasting gospel is a warning against the mark of the beast, and the unmixed wrath of God, which cannot be till our mediator has left heaven. For while Jesus is in heaven there will always be some mercy mixed with wrath. It is in that coming hour of judgment that men will call and God will not answer. This is yet future, and so is that boycott of nations referred to in Rev. 13:15-18, when no man can buy or sell unless he can give the sign of mark of that secret confederacy of the dragon, beast and false prophet—Russia and all Catholicism, and Turkey and China against Anglo-Israel. This beast is a future confederacy, and the mark not yet given hence Smith did not preach this part of the age-lasting gospel. See on the futurity of this work, Rev. 13:13, 16; 14:10, 14, 15; 20; 16:10; 17:1, 8, 12, 16; 18:17, etc. (W.L. Crowe, The Mormon Waterloo: Being a Condensed and Classified Array of Testimony and Arguments Against the False Prophet, Joseph Smith, his Works, and his Church System and Doctrines: Based upon Standard History, Science, the Bible and Smith Against Himself [St. Paul, Nebr.: 1902], 135-36)


Further Reading


Defending the Latter-day Saint Interpretation of Revelation 14:6-7

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