Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The 7 Sacraments in The Book of Marganitha (1298) and the Assyrian Church of the East


On the Number of the Church Sacraments


The Sacraments of the Church, according to the Divine Scriptures, are seven in number: 1. The Priesthood, which is the ministry of all the other Sacraments. 2. Holy Baptism. 3. The Oil of Unction. 4. The Oblation of the Body and Blood of CHRIST. 5. Absolution. 6. The Holy Leaven, namely, the king. 7. The sign of the life giving cross. (Mar O’Dishoo, Metropolitan of Suwa (‘Nisidin) and Armenia, The Book of Marganitha (The Pearl) On the Truth of Christianity [trans. Mar Eshai Shimun XXIII, Catholicos Patriarch of the East; Xlibris: 2007], 39)


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