Monday, July 4, 2022

Mark Jones (Protestant): Special Revelation Will Continue in the Age to Come


Considering that the world itself could ‘not contain the books that would be written’ about all that Jesus did (John 21:25), we confidently testify that the descriptions and names of Christ above barely scratch the surface. Indeed, as John tells us, Christ ‘has a name written that no one knows but himself’ (Rev. 19:12). There is much about Christ that we will learn in the future. (Mark Jones, Knowing Christ [Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2015], 2)


Revelation from God has not ceased with the sixty-six books. It has ceased for this life and this side of glory, but in the life to come in heaven, ‘God will continue to speak to his saints, and he will do so through Jesus Christ, who, as the God-man, will for ever reveal God’s will to the Church. (Ibid., 206)


As humans who cannot have infinite knowledge, we will nevertheless receive continual fresh supplies of knowledge through Christ. Our happiness can only increase as we come to know more and more of our God and his wondrous works (Psa. 40:5). . . . As he communicates to us the knowledge, love, wisdom, and goodness of God, we will respond with worship. The glorified God-man will be the eternal object of our unblemished worship. (Ibid., 206-7)


 Further Reading:

Not By Scripture Alone: A Latter-day Saint Refutation of Sola Scriptura

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