The man is the head &
God of the woman, but let him act like a God in virteous principles & God
like conversation, walk and deportment & such men will continue to gain
influence & power and advance in glory to all eternity. But should they use
there power in wickedness as a tyrant they soon will be called to render an
account of their stewardship. if not found worthy they will be hurled down to
perdition & their family & kingdom be given to another that is more
worthy. Some say that a woman cannot be saved without a man, neither can a man
without a woman. Br Joseph said he had taught the Twelve all that he knew
concerning the order of the kingdom but the difficulty was they could not
remember it as he told them, but when it was necessary they would not be at a
loss for understanding; & I bear record to the truth of his word before God
this day that I always had an understanding & evry thing was brought to my
mind just as he taught them to us. All the ordinances of the Temple &
building of the Alter &c. came to me just right when they were to be
attended to & could we now know Br Hyde, Pratt & Taylor's feelings you
would say that they could read a man through as soon as they cast there eyes
upon him. The Apostle Paul while speaking of the Fathers & the Ancients
said that thay without us could not be made perfect there was a lack in his day
& still will be to all eternity untill the chain of that Priesthood is
restored & evry spirit take a tabernacle that was fore ordained according
to the dispensation of the will of God. I am entitled to the Keys of the
Priesthood according to linage & blood, so is Brother H. C. Kimball &
many others have taken Kingly power & grades of the Priesthood. this we
would have taught in the Temple if time had permitted. Joseph Smith was
entitled to the Keys of the Priesthood according to blood still he was the fourth
son. But when we get anot[h]er Temple built then we will teach you
concerning these things suffice it to say that I will extend the chain of the
Pristhood back through the Apostolic dispensation to Father Adam just as soon
as I can get a temple built. Jesus could have restored the order of the
Pristhood in his day & brought in the Millenium if the people would have
harkened to his instructions but they rebelled & would not, & it was
for this cause that Jesus told them that all the blood that had been shed from
righteous Abel down to Zechariah the Prophet should be required at there hands.
(Wilford Woodruff, Journal, February 16, 1847)