Friday, April 13, 2018

Gerry Matatics vs. Matt Slick on Sola Scriptura, the Canon, Justification, and other topics

Gerry Matatics, a former Presbyterian who is now a Sedevacantist (the "Home Aloner" type) debated with Matt Slick of CARM. The first discussion was on Roman Catholicism broadly (e.g., justification; sola scriptura; status of the Apocrypha/Deutero-canon, etc):

Roman Catholicism Open discussion, 4/3/2018

The second debate (available on Gerry Matatics' facebook page [not on youtube at the time of writing]) was on justification.

While I disagree with Matatics on many issues, one has to declare him the winner (by a mile) over Slick--Slick engaged in special pleading, double standards, and other fallacies as well as eisegesis, similar to his debate with Robert Sungenis where Slick got destroyed.

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