Sunday, July 15, 2018

Total Depravity, the Unborn, and the Inconsistency of Some Calvinists

As those that follow this blog know, I am pro-life. In fact, I have criticised the spinelessness of the Church and its leadership here in Ireland about their failure about the recent referendum, one where, to their eternal condemnation, many LDS voted to legalise abortion (see Thoughts on Sustaining, Opposing, and Recognising and Resisting Errant Church Leaders and Dave Bartosiewicz on the Evils of Abortion and the Recent Irish Referendum).

Many abortionists argue that "personhood" is given to someone once they pass through the birth canal. A great video poking fun at such stupidity is the following from The Babylon Bee:

Miraculous: Clump Of Cells Transforms Into Fully Formed Baby Upon Womb Exit

In a similar way, many Calvinists argue like abortionists on the beginning of "personhood" with respect to Total Depravity. In his bio for Apologia Church, we read the following for Jeff Durbin (emphasis added):

Jeff has been married to his bride, Candi, for over 14-years. Candi and Jeff have 4-children: Sage, Immagin, Saylor, and Stellar. Two more children are in heaven with Jesus, because they went to be with the Lord during pregnancy.

So, unborn children are not Totally Depraved. Just as "personhood" for an abortionist, "Total Depravity" is provided magically by passing through the birth canal. One wonders why Jeff opposes abortion so much then--I mean, for him, it must be the greatest heaven-filling device man has created.

For more refuting Durbin, see, for e.g.:

Refuting Jeff Durbin on "Mormonism" 

Refuting Jeff Durbin on Mormonism and the Atonement

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