When discussing Pope Honourius during his papal infallibility debate against James White (October 13, 2000), Robert Sungenis appealed to a work he called the “Armenian” from a work Échos d’Orient. I managed to find the source. The following is from Patriarch John II of Jerusalem (circa 580):
We, however, the Holy
Church, have the Lord's voice, which said to Peter, the head of the Apostles,
giving him the primacy of the firmness of faith of the Churches: “You are Peter”
(Armenian: "Vem"), and on this rock (vem) I will build my
Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matt. 16:18), to
whom also were given the keys of heaven and earth, to Peter. Following his
faith, his disciples and the Catholic Church's doctors bind and loose, bind the
wicked and loose those doing penance. But above all, his successors of the
Holy, First, and Venerable See, sound in faith, are infallible according to the
Lord's voice.
English translation of Latin found in S. Salaville, “Un Témoignage Oriental
En Faveur De La Primauté et de L’Infallibilité Du Pape Au VI Siécle,” Échos
d’Orient 19 (1920): 172 n. 1
Because I spent some time trying
to find this source, thought I would share here.
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