Monday, October 21, 2024

Cameron Bertuzzi on Joseph Smith and Polyandry

Cameron Bertuzzi of Capturing Christianity (a grifter who teased becoming Roman Catholic for months so he could get money from Catholics) has been showing his 'research' methodology for faiths he disagrees with--google and snippets of books quoted therein, in this case, In Sacred Loneliness by Todd Compton.

The claim:

The truth:

For further reading on how Joseph Smith did not engage in sexual polyandry (and a refutation of Compton's work, both in his book and a recent essay in Secret Covenants: New Insights on Early Mormon Polygamy [Signature Books, 2024]), see Hales' essay:

Brian C. Hales, "Joseph Smith's 'Polyandry': Expanding the Narrative," The Journal of Mormon History 50, no. 2 (2024): 105-36 (PDF in my possession; will happily send it to anyone who requests it at

See also Brian's critique of Dan Vogel:

Response to Vogel's Second Polyandry Video


Joseph Smith’s Sexual Polyandry and the Emperor’s New Clothes Brian Hales

My friend Swenson Baily just posted a video responding to some of Cameron's nonsense at:

Debunking Capturing Christianity's 15 Attacks on Joseph Smith Part 1

Cameron's channel has some good videos, to be sure; however, Cameron himself is a dolt and has no clue about anything he discusses, "Mormonism" included.


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