Monday, December 26, 2016

Bibliography on the Papacy and Papal Infallibility

The following are what I consider to be the best works discussing the Roman Catholic Papacy as well as the dogma of Papal Infallibility from both Catholic and non-Catholic perspectives which I have in my own personal library: 

Ecclesiastical Documents:

Pius IX, Pastor Aeternus (Vatican Council I [1870]) (cf. Vinzenz Gasser, The Gift of Infallibility: The Official Relatio on Infallibility of Bishop Vincent Ferrer Gasser at Vatican Council I)

Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (1896)

I would also recommend Heinrich Denzinger, Compendium of Creeds, Definitions, and Declarations on Matters of Faith and Morals, ed. Peter Hünermann, Robert Fastiggi, and Anne Englund Nash (43rd ed; San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2012) or some other edition of Denzinger.

Recommended Books (both Catholic and non-Catholic)

Ludwig Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma

Steve Ray, Upon this Rock: St. Peter and the Primacy of Rome in Scripture and the Early Church

George Salmon, Infallibility and the Church

Edward Denny, Papalism

Philip Schaff, Creeds of Christendom (3 vols.)

Michael Winter, Saint Peter and the Popes

Margherita Guarducci, The Primacy of the Church of Rome: Documents, Reflections, Proofs

Michael J Miller, The Shepherd and the Rock: Origins, Development, and Mission of the Papacy

Ignatius Von Döllinger ("Janus"), The Pope and the Council

Dr. Hergenrother and James B. Robertson, Anti-Janus: An Historico-Theological Criticism of the Work Entitled, the Pope and the Council, by Janus

J.N.D. Kelly, The Oxford Dictionary of Popes

Laurent A. Cleenewerck, His Broken Body: Understanding and Healing the Schism between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches

John F. Bigane, III, Faith, Christ or Peter: Matthew 16:18 in Sixteenth Century Roman Catholic Exegesis

Brian Tierney, The Origins of Papal Infallibility, 1150-1350: A Study on the Concepts of Infallibility, Sovereignty, and Tradition in the Middle Ages

B.C. Butler, The Church and Infallibility

Patrick Madrid, Pope Fiction

Karl Josef von Hefele, A History of the Councils of the Church (5 vols.)

Robert Eno, The Rise of the Papacy

Chrys C. Caragounis, Peter and the Rock

Dom John Chapman, Studies on the Early Papacy

Idem. Condemnation of Pope Honorius

Idem. The First Eight General Councils and Papal Infallibility 

Idem. Bishop Gore and the Catholic Claims

Adrian Fortescue, The Early Papacy: To the Synod of Chalcedon in 451

Scott Butler, Norman Dahlgren, and David Hess, Jesus, Peter, and the Keys: A Scriptural Handbook on the Papacy

John R. Page, What Will Dr. Newman Do? John Henry Newman and Papal Infallibility, 1865-1875

John Meyendorff, ed. The Primacy of Peter: Essays in Ecclesiology and the Early Church

Larry R. Helyer, The Life and Witness of Peter

Raymond Brown, Karl P. Donfried, and John Reumann, eds. Peter in the New Testament

Helen K. Bond and Larry W. Hurtado, eds. Peter in Early Christianity

Oscar Cullmann, Peter: Disciple, Apostle, Martyr

Martin Hengel, Saint Peter: The Underestimated Apostle

Hans Küng, Infallible?

Peter Lampe, From Paul to Valentinus: Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries

Raymond E. Brown and John P. Meier, Antioch and Rome: New Testament Cradles of Catholic Christianity

Michael Whelton, The Two Paths

Idem, Popes and Patriarchs: An Orthodox Perspective on Roman Catholic Claims

William Webster, The Matthew 16 Controversy

Bruce Chilton and Jacob Neusner, The Brother of Jesus: James the Just and His Mission

Robert Eisenman, James the Brother of Jesus

Klaus Schatz, Papal Primacy: From its Origins to the Present

J.E. Merdinger, Rome and the African Church in the Time of Augustine

William Shaw Kerr, A Handbook on the Papacy

H. Burn-Murdoch, The Development of the Papacy

August Bernhard Hasler, How the Pope Became Infallible

Robert A. Sungenis, ed. Not by Scripture Alone: A Catholic Critique of the Protestant Doctrine of Sola Scriptura

Arlo J. Nau, Peter in Matthew: Discipleship, Diplomacy, and Dispraise

Francis Sullivan, Magisterium

The Infallibility Debate, ed. John J. Kirvan

Peter Chirico, Infallibility: The Crossroads of Doctrine

Francis Simons, Infallibility and the Evidence

John Salza and Robert Siscoe, True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Modern Errors

John Salza, The Biblical Basis for the Papacy

Hermann J Pottmeyer, Towards a Papacy in Communion: Perspectives from Vatican Councils I & II

James F. Puglisi, ed. How Can the Petrine Ministry Be a Service to the Unity of the Univeral Church?

Abbé Guettée, The Papacy: Its Historic Origin and Primitive Relations with the Eastern Churches

Adriano Garuti, Primacy of the Bishop of Rome and the Ecumenical Dialogue

Colin Lindsay, The Evidence for the Papacy

The Petrine Ministry: Catholics and Orthodox in Dialogue, ed. Walter Kasper

Donald S. Prudlo, Certain Sainthood: Canonization and the Origins of Papal Infallibility in the Medieval Church

John W. O'Malley, Vatican I: The Council and the Making of the Ultramontane Church

Dom Prosper Gueranger, The Papal Monarchy

Luke Rivington, The Primitive Church and the See of Peter

Christopher M. Bellitto, The General Councils: A History of the Twenty-One Church Councils from Nicaea to Vatican II

Geoffrey Barraclough, Mediaeval Papacy

Karl F. Morrison, Tradition and Authority in the Western Church, 300-1140

The Christian East and the Rise of the Papacy: The Church 1071-1453, eds. Aristeides Papadakis and John Meyendorff

Eamon Duffy, Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes

A. Burt Horsley, Peter and the Popes

Francis Oakley, The Conciliarist Tradition: Constitutionalism in the Catholic Church 1300-1870

Brian Tierney, Foundations of the Conciliar Theory: The Contribution of the Medieval Canonists from Gratian to the Great Schism

Peter Dimond and Michael Dimond, The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II

Yves Renouard, The Avignon Papacy: The Popes in Exile 1305-1403 (trans. Denis Bethell)

Trent Horn, The Case for Catholicism: Answers to Classic and Contemporary Protestant Objections

Paul Pavao, Rome's Audacious Claim: Should Every Christian Be Subject to the Pope?

George E. Demacopoulos, The Invention of Peter: Apostolic Discourse and Papal Authority in Late Antiquity

A. Edward Siecienski, The Papacy and the Orthodox: Sources and History of a Debate

Vladimir Soloviev, Russia and the Universal Church

Arthur Edward Gayer, Papal Infallibility And Supremacy Tried by Ecclesiastical History, Scripture And Reason

Raphael Cardinal Merry Del Val, The Truth of Papal Claims

Trevor Gervase Jalland, The Church and the Papacy: An Historical Study

F.W. Puller, The Primitive Saints and the See of Rome

J. Michael Miller, What are they saying about papal primacy?

Philip Sherrard, Church, Papacy and Schism: A Theological Inquiry

Hamilton Hess, The Canons of the Council of Sardica A.D. 343: A Landmark in the Early Development of Canon Law

Patrick Granfield, The Limits of the Papacy: Authority and Autonomy in the Church

Peter L'Huillier, The Church of the Ancient Councils: The Disciplinary Work of the First Four Ecumenical Councils

John Hine Mundy and Kennerly M. Woody, eds., The Council of Constance: The Unification of the Church (trans. Louise Ropes Loomis)

G.G. Coulton, Papal Infallibility

Joe Heschmeyer, Pope Peter: Defending the Church’s Most Distinctive Doctrine in a Time of Crisis

Rosamond McKitterick, Rome and the Invention of the Papacy: The Liber pontificalis

Jeffrey Richards, The Popes and the Papacy in the Early Middle Ages, 476-752

J.H. Burns and Thomas M. Izbicki, eds., Conciliarism and Papalism

William R. Farmer and Roch Kereszty, Peter and Paul in the Church of Rome: The Ecumenical Potential of a Forgotten Perspective

Isaac Barrow, A Treatise of the Pope's Supremacy. To Which is Added a Discourse Concerning the Unity of the Church

Finn Damgaard, Rewriting Peter as an Intertextual Character in the Canonical Gospels 

J.M.R. Tillard, The Bishop of Rome

Scott Butler and John Collorafi, Keys Over the Christian World: The Evidence for Papal Authority (33 AD to 800 AD) from Ancient Latin, Greek, Chaldean, Syriac, Armenian, Coptic and Ethiopian Documents

Robert Stackpole, The Papacy: God’s Gift for All Christians

Stephen K. Ray and R. Dennis Walters, The Papacy: What the Pope Does and Why it Matters

Robert Spencer, The Church and The Pope: The Case for Orthodoxy

An Inside View of the Vatican Council, in the Speech of the Most Reverend Archbishop Kenrick of St. Louis, ed. Leonard Woolsey Bacon

Erick Ybarra, The Papacy: Revisiting the Debate Between Catholics and Orthodox

Olivier Clément, You Are Peter: An Orthodox Theologian’s Reflection on the Exercise of Papal Primacy 

Primacy in the Church: The Office of Primate and the Authority of Councils, ed. John Chryssavgis (2 vols.)

Vincent Twomey, Apostolikos Thronos: The Primacy of Rome as Reflected in the Church History of Eusebius and in the historico-apologetic writings of Saint Athanasius the Great

William George Ward, The Condemnation of Pope Honorius

Patrick Craig Truglia, The Rise and Fall of the Papacy

James Likoudis, The Divine Primacy of the Bishop of Rome and Modern Eastern Orthodoxy: Letters to a Greek Orthodox on the Unity of the Church

Pedro Gabriel, Heresy Disguised as Tradition

Ultramontanism and Tradition: The Role of Papal Authority in the Church, ed. Peter Kwasniewski

Papal Primacy and the Universal Church, ed. Paul C. Empie and T. Austin Murphy

Geoffrey D. Dunn, Cyprian and the Bishops of Rome: Questions of Papal Primacy in the Early Church

Francis Dvornik, Byzantium and Roman Primacy

Idem, The Photian Schism


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