Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Ronald Hendel on Ur of the Chaldeans


Ur of the Chaldeans (‘ûr kaśdîm) is the ancient city of Ur in southern Mesopotamia (Millard 2001; Day 2002: 207-16). The specifications is that Ur “of the Chaldeans” makes it clear that this is southern Mesopotamia. The Chaldeans were a tribal people of uncertain origin who became prominent in southern Mesopotamia in the eighth to sixth centuries BCE (Frame 1997). Their ethnonym (Akkadian kaldu, Greek Chaldaioi) is represented in Hebrew as kaśdîm, with the letter śin. The variation between śin and l indicates that the original consonant was a lateral fricative [l], perhaps of East Arabian origin (Steiner 1977: 137-43). It is possible that the Chaldeans were originally an Arabian people (Frame 1997: 483). Ronald Hendel, Genesis 1-11: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary [AYB 1A; New Haven: Yale University Press, 2024], 413)




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