This was just forwarded to me by a friend (apparently, something I wrote was posted/quoted in a Protestant vs. Latter-day Saint facebook group, and it triggered the best living proof of Total Depravity and Invincible Ignorance):
Hazelton protests too much; he has had a number of occasions to try to respond
to my writings before, including my request for him to support their being proto-Protestants in early Christianity when he wanted to debate the Great Apostasy with me via email, so he is lying when he says he is not
afraid of my scholarship. And by “very bad personal encounters” that translates as “he
calls people out for their eisegesis of the Bible and the patristics.” Still waiting for documentation on those proto-Protestants, James . . .
is my challenge to Hazelton to prove me wrong:
the following where I take you (and Matt Slick who you plagiarized) that Victorinus
did not teach baptismal regeneration:
Baptismal Regeneration in the Writings of Gaius Marius Victorinus (290-364)
At the end of the day, this is why I believe Protestant pastors and apologists such as Hazelton et al are worse than doctors who perform abortions at Planned Parenthood--abortionists can only destroy the body; the nonsense Protestants (esp. Calvinists) like Hazelton et al preaches destroys the soul.