Thursday, November 2, 2023

Blake Ostler's outline of the relations of the divine persons in the Godhead

I suggest that the Mormon view of the relation of the divine persons to the Godhead can be outlined as follows:


1. Distinct Persons. There is exactly one Most High God, the Father. There are three in the Godhead who have shared the intimate relationship of indwelling love from all eternity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are three distinct divine persons who are one Godhead in virtue of their voluntary indwelling unity. Each of the three divine persons is a distinct person in the fullest modern sense of the word, having distinct cognitive and conative personalities. Each also possesses a unique material body. Because each of these capacities requires a distinct consciousness, each divine person is a distinct center of consciousness.


2. Loving Dependence and Ontological Independence. The Son and the Holy Ghost are subordinate to the Father and dependent on their relationship of indwelling unity and love with the Father for their divinity. That is, the Father is the source or font of divinity of the Son and Holy Ghost. If the oneness of the Son and/or Holy Ghost with the Father should cease, then so would their divinity. Further, it is inconceivable that the Father could be fully divine in isolation from them because the divine attributes are literally actualized by the love of the divine persons for each other. The divine properties of a fulness of deity emerge from the relationship of unity of the divine persons. The emergent divinity also deifies each of the persons in the Godhead and each is thus a God in unity of shared divinity. The divine persons are essentially related to each other in a genetic sense as members of the same divine family. The Son is not only equally divine with the Father; he is the Father’s Son—the perfect reflection of the Father’s likeness and image because he is begotten as issue of the Father. The Spirit is the exact replica of them both as their joint agent and advocate. They are defined both in their individual identities and also in the kind of beings that they are by these essential relations. However, the Son and Holy Ghost do not depend upon the Father for their existence as individuals and thus each of the divine persons has individual or de re ontologically necessary existence.


3. Divinity. Godhood or the divine nature is the immutable set of essential properties necessary to be divine. There is only one Godhood or divine essence in this sense. Each of the distinct divine persons shares equally this set of great-making properties which are severally necessary and jointly sufficient for their possessor to be divine. Each of the divine persons has this essence, though none is simply identical with it. All of the divine persons or gods belong to the same genus or kind as the one God in the sense that they equally possess the same divine nature.


4. Indwelling Unity. The divine persons actualize the divine nature of virtue of a voluntary relationship of indwelling love or perichoresis with each other. The unity of the divine persons falls short of identity but is intensely more intimate than merely belonging to the same class or genus. There are distinct divine persons, but not separated or independent divine persons. Because the divine persons have access to the mental states of each other, they are fully transparent to each other and in the divine life there are no barriers between the persons; and thus there is no alienation, isolation, insulation, secretiveness, or aloneness. The divine persons exist in a unity that includes loving, interpenetrating and intersubjective awareness of another who is also in one’s self. The divine persons somehow spiritually extend their personal presence, awareness, and power to dwell in each other and thus become “one” “in” each other. Thus, the divine persons as one Godhead logically cannot experience the alienation and separation that characterizes human existence. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost have freely chosen to be in this relationship of indwelling unity in each moment for all eternity.


5. Deification. Humans may share the same fulness of divinity as the divine persons in the Godhead through grace by becoming one with the divine persons in the same sense that they are one with each other. However, humans are eternally subordinate to and dependent on their relationship of loving unity with the divine persons for their status as gods. By acting as one with the Godhead, deified humans will share fully in the divine nature, including the attributes of knowledge, power, and glory. These are divine persons or gods other than the father who are subordinate to the one God . . .


Blake T. Ostler, Exploring Mormon Thought: Of Gods and Gods (Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2008), 260-61

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