The following comes from:
Sacred Hymns and
Spiritual Songs for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City:
The Deseret News Company, 1912)
Hymn 23 (pp. 29, 31):
3 The
Temple long expected
Shall stand
on Zion's hill,
By willing
hearts erected.
Who love
Jehovah's will;
Let earth,
her wealth bestowing,
Adorn His
holy seat.
For nations
great shall flow in,
To worship
at His feet.
. . .
8 O grant,
Eternal Father,
That we may
be faithful be,
with all
the just to gather,
And Thy
salvation see!
Then, with
the hosts of heaven,
We'll sing
the immortal theme —
To Him be
glory given
Whose blood
did us redeem.
Hymn 97 (p. 107):
2 See!
Jehovah's banner's furled,
His Sword, He speaks, 'tis
Now the
kingdoms of this world
Are the
Kingdoms of His Son.
Hymn 129 (p. 142):
1 Sing to
the Great Jehovah's praise,
All praise
to Him belongs;
Who kindly
lengthens out our days
Demands our
choicest songs.
2 His
providence has brought us through
various year;
We all,
with vows and anthems new,
Before our
God appear.
3 Father,
Thy mercies past we own,
Thy still
continued care;
To Thee presenting
through Thy Son,
whate'er we
have or are.
Hymn 259 (p. 280):
4 The name
of Jehovah is worthy of praising,
And so is
the Savior an excellent theme; . . .
Hymn 332 (p. 398):
1 Though
nations rise, and men conspire
efforts will be vain;
Jehovah mocks
their vile desire
His Zion to
. . .
4 Let
Zion's converts now arise;
Father's will defend,
And arm
them for each glorious war,
victory's triumphs end.
5 Armed
with His truth: before our face
The people
feel dismayed.
And all
their treasures and their wealth
purpose aid.
Hymn 337 (p. 403):
3 Man broke
the law of his estate
And Jesus
came to expiate,
Atone and rescue
fallen man,
to Jehovah's plan.