Saturday, August 10, 2024

Abraham O. Smoot on Heber C. Kimball's Posthumous Activities for the Church (Provo School of the Prophets, June 29, 1868)


A. O. Smoot said. I do not feel like talking today not being well there has been, since I met with this school quite a crisis in the death of Bro. Heber – I proposed being at the last school but was called to the city on account of sickness in my family – the people of this & Salt Lake City seemed more or less prepared for such an event – Referred to Bro Kimball remarks while in Provo in relation to his being pretty [tired] and that he wanted to rest.


While on the way to the city with me he talked all the time was filled with the spirit of prophecy – also stated that he would return with the Prophet Joseph and lead this people back to the center Stake of Zion – Bro Heber is not dead, but has just gone a little season behind the vail, he lives more effectually for Zion and is now in the society of the Prophet Joseph, Hyrum, Willard, Jedediah, & others for our brethren who have gone before. (Provo School of the Prophets, June 29, 1868, 45, MSS 7979, Brigham Young University, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, emphasis in bold added)



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