Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Debate Concerning the Second Coming at the Parowan School of the Prophets, January 21, 1871

The following shows that, as late as 1871, there was a debate among Latter-day Saints concerning when the second coming would be, and whether Joseph's teachings in D&C 130 referred to a personal visitation or "the" Parousia:


Meeting of the School of the Prophets 2 P.M. C. C. Pendleton Presiding. Prayer by W. C. Mitchell. Lans Mortinsen, William Holyoak and Paul Smith spoke admonished the brethren to faithfulness, touched on the coming of the Savior. David Ward Said he believed the Savior would not come for one thousand years and that would be at the winding up Scene of this mortality. W. C. McGregory followed on the same subject refering to the preaching of the Prophet Joseph Smith, when the Lord told him that if he lived to be eighty and five years old he would see the Savior, he believed the time was very near at hand. A. J. Mortensen Said that faultfiding was as grat an evil as there was amongst us, if we could see boath sides of the subject we might think different, wished we might be ready to meet the Savior when he comes. A. Smith and George Taylor spoke on the same subject. (Minutes of the School of the Prophets Held in Parowan, January 21, 1871)

Further Reading:

Resources on Joseph Smith's Prophecies 

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