Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Excerpts from the Payson City School of the Prophets



The school was called to order at the usual hour. Prayer was offered by B. F. Johnson, Sen, who afterwards spoke at some length on the importance of our laying a foundation to support our families and educate our own children. Said we should keep the Word of Wisdom and avoid the use of swine’s flesh. (A Record of Sayings and Doings in the School of the Prophets, Payson City, Utah, December 12, 1868)



C. H. Hales introduced against the subject of plurality of wives. Did not believe that a man can be exalted with only one wife.


H. W. Barrett asked if a man holding the Lesser Priesthood has the privilege of taking a plurality of wives.


S. Markham said he had heard the prophet Joseph say they had not that privilege; and that a man can not receive a fulness of glory with one wife.


O. Simons spoke on that subject.


T. Jackson said he could not see that a man with only one wife can be even saved. Read the Revelation on Celestial Marriage.


B. F. Johnson said our obedience will secure salvation.


Prest Fairbanks said it is our privilege to understand the Revelation of Jesus Christ alike and we may do so if we study them with prayerful hearts. Said if a man can not get some one to go into polygamy with him he is justified—not otherwise. (A Record of Sayings and Doings in the School of the Prophets, Payson City, Utah, April 3, 1869)



The School met according to the appointment. Prayer by B. F. Johnson Sen. H. W. Barrett introduced the subject of the Priesthood. Contended that there are two distinct Priesthoods in the Church. Said the Lesser Priesthood belongs exclusively to the Levites. Spoke also on polygamy. B. F. Johnson said he believed we might get up subjects that would be very profitable to us.


T. E. Daniels and B. F. Stewart spoke on Priesthood.


Prest Fairbanks said he thought the Levites will receive the Higher Priesthood as they will make themselves worthy of it. Wished the brethren would read the Revelations of God. Said a man enters into the celestial law when he has one wife sealed to him in the House of the Lord, but he should not stop there but should go on and increase. (A Record of Sayings and Doings in the School of the Prophets, Payson City, Utah, April 17, 1869)



C. H. Hales spoke on the subject of polygamy. Said, at the first favorable opportunity he was prepared to prove that a man can not be exalted with one wife. (A Record of Sayings and Doings in the School of the Prophets, Payson City, Utah, April 24, 1869)



Elder Barnett accordingly proceeded to reason on the great plan of human redemption. Said, it is the plan of Satan to get the people to disbelieve in the atonement of Christ. He is sure of all that he can induce in this way. Moses story of the origin of man was written to please the Israelites and was adapted to their comprehension. Christ being the first born of the father in the spirit world is rightly termed the first of his creation. The first of our creations will be our first born sons after we receive our exaltation as Gods. These Spiritual children can not prepare bodies for themselves. The Father must go down with one of his wives and after having received the seeds of mortality in their bodies mortal bodies were produced as tabernacles for those spiritual children. Adam came to this world with one of his wives for this very purpose. What is called the Fall was the result of a prearranged plan to which Adam consented in order to give his children the opportunity for entering upon their second estate. After he had accomplished this work he did not die as we die, but was translated back into his immortal and exalted condition in accordance with the laws of immortal beings, without going down into the grave. Jesus was begotten of the Father through the Virgin Mary, and being the only one begotten in this way is justly called “The only Begotten of the Father.” It was a favorite accusation of the Jews that Jesus was a bastard not knowing the manner in which he was begotten. Thus was the Fall and the Atonement a prearranged plan for the exaltation of the children of the Father. What I have told you this afternoon is nothing new to you. You have heard the same from Joseph and from Brigham. I have only told you an old story and told it in my own way. (A Record of Sayings and Doings in the School of the Prophets, Payson City, Utah, March 4, 1871)



Elder Barnett predicted that this persecution of Prest Young will end in smoke. Believed that a great apostasy will follow soon. Had noticed that many heresies had crept into the minds of many since the inauguration of this judicial persecution. Felt to advise all to study their religion and live it and keep their powder dry. Was in favor of this Territory going into the Union as a State. Believed we would compromise polygamy to get in if required but did not think we would renounce our religion. Believed the principle of Celestial Marriage had been disgraced among this people, and that that was the reason why we are being persecuted at this time. Would not be surprised if God takes away from this people the privilege of plural marriage to punish us for abusing it. Believed God is punishing us for our sins and not for our good deeds. This people will be sifted as wheat and those that will be left will be united and achieve independence. (A Record of Sayings and Doings in the School of the Prophets, Payson City, Utah, January 6, 1872)


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