Sunday, August 11, 2024

Discussions Concerning the Joseph Smith Translation ("New Translation") and the KJV in the Provo School of the Prophets (1868)


[Abraham O. Smoot:] There is a translation of the bible sent here by Jos. Smith jun. the prophets son – which purports to be a translation made by his father – he claims that the Mormons must pay him for it. Joseph had been to work no this translation for some time but did not complete it – at Joseph’s death these books fell into the hands of Emma – they have now complete it and set it forth as Joseph’s Bro. Clayton was private secretary to Joseph and he says that Joseph’s Translation was incomplete, some of the saints have sent for this book, and others are about to send. I would council the brethren do not send for this so that it will not get into the hands of our family and children.


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G. G. Bywater- when Alexander paid us a visit to this Territory Dr. Bernhisel had an interview with him the subject of the translation was brought up. Dr. Bernhisel told him that Joseph had told him that the Book was not completed – Alex answered that Young Joseph was quite capable of finishing it and would do so the world do[es] not want this book they are satisfied with King James translation we do not want to create a [     ] to obtain this book. I am satisfied with the present Bible – Prest. Young has said there is enough in the Bible to safe us all.


J. F. Fleming Referred to the saying of Bro Hyde where-in he says “Whatever is right if the Lord had wanted this new translation he could have had it – King James Translation is good enough, it is a great club in the hands of the elders bringing sinners to light – I feel to support the old bible until we can get a better one.


Thos. Childs The books say the “letter killeth but the spirit giveth life – any person who will send for this book and the Book of [Lucy’s ?] they are weak in the faith – referred to us as a people doing as we are told by the proper authority – spoke in relation to sending or machinery &c. and suggested the idea of the Bps of the County learning the kind of trade that the men of each settlement are in the habit of working at and so that such institutions or businesses could be started [    ] place is in a position more [     ] ourlseves.


A. Johnson – Felt we should go into measures to bring about the selfsustaining Policy: referred to the Bible & said a very short time before Joseph’s death he told me about the non [fulfillment] of the translation at the time we started to cross the river and I unlocked my boat – and ferried him across;


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John B. Fairbanks – We are a bible of ourselves or ought to be we can make a bible of our own when we want one referred to the first Rule of our school in being on hand at the time of meeting and would suggest that the door be closed at least 10 minutes after the time appointed. (Provo School of the Prophets, July 6, 1868, 51-52, 53-54, 55, MSS 7979, Brigham Young University, L. Tom Perry Special Collections)




[Brigham Young:] I asked Orson to look over the “New translation” and found him speaking in the school – the Translation is incorrect-and it says it shall not be published until completed – referred to the note or Orson – “When I opposed you I Felt bitterness etc; and when I agreed with you I have felt well and rejoiced” (Provo School of the Prophets, July 20, 1868, 63, MSS 7979, Brigham Young University, L. Tom Perry Special Collections)



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