Thursday, June 2, 2022

Dallin H. Oaks and the U.S. Constitution being "Inspired" in a Qualified Sense

In a devotional from May 17, 2022, in Ensign College, Salt Lake City, Dallin H. Oaks said the following about the U.S. Constitution:


We know that the Constitution was inspired by God and despite its birth defect of slavery, its inspired principles, including the freedoms of speech and religion and its authorization of amendments have allowed subsequent generations to continue to improve the nation and strengthen the rights and prosperity of its citizens. That is part of our history, and it should not be distorted by trying to substitute other motivations for the Constitution of the United States, as some are doing in our time. (Dallin H. Oaks, "Stand Fast with Love in Proclaiming Truth," Ensign College, May 17, 2022, emphasis added)


Here we see that Oaks understands the nature of the “inspiration” behind the U.S. Constitution not to be perfect or even on the same level as inscripturated revelation, but in a lesser sense, as it had a major “birth defect” (slavery) and required amendments.

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