Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Excerpts from the Autobiography of Mary Elizabeth Rollins (1818-1913)

The following are excerpts from the autobiography of Mary Elizabeth Rollins (Lightner Smith Young) (1818-1913) (holograph is in the Susa Young Gates Papers, 1852-1932, box 12, fd. 6, MSS B 95, USHS; there is also a related holograph, Mary Elizabeth Rollings Lightner diary, 1863 May-September, MS 750, Church History Library)


Speaking in Tongues


Oliver Cowdery, John Whitmer, and Thomas B Marsh often spoke in tongues, in addressing the People on the Sabbath day—and I wanted to understand what they said; so I made it a subject of prayer, that the Lord would give me to understand what was the meaning of their words; for they seemed to speak with great power. One evening the Brethren Came to Uncles House, (I was living with him) to converse upon the Revelations, that had been printed, as yet, but few had looked upon them, for they were in large sheets, not folded. They spoke of them with such Reverence, as coming from the Lord; they felt to rejoice that they were counted worthy to be the means of publishing them for the benefit of the whole world—While talking they were filled with the spirit, and spoke on toungues [p5] I was called upon to interpret it—I felt the spirit of it in a moment—I told them, that for the transgressions of Zion, the Lord would suffer a mob to come upon us, and we should be driven from our Homes, and suffer great loss of property &c—Oliver said that interpretation was of the Devil. Uncle replied; that cannot be, for if she did not speak by the Holy Spirit I, am no judge. another thing; She could not use the refined Language, and her Countenance change so if it were not from God. Olliver and John Whitmer both said, the Lord commanded us to come here and build up this, the Center stake of Zion; and it is not likely he is going to suffer us to be mobbed, or driven. Consequently the interpretation is false—There was so much feeling manifested over it, that it was deemed expedient to present it before the members of the Council, and David Whitmer who was appointed by Joseph to preside over all the Church in Missouri—When David heard the matter, he said Mary was right, for he had enquired of the Lord and the Lord answered that my interpretation was Correct and would come to pass every word of it—this did not satisfy them, so they wrote to Joseph at Kirtland, for the word of [the] Lord on it. His reply was the same as Davids, he said furthermore; that Interpretations belonged to the Priesthood, but, as they had not asked for the gift, and I had it was taken from their Shoulders and put onto mine. So, I was requested to Interpret for the church, while we remained in the Country. but the prediction of Olliver in tongues was soon to be verified. (In Sacred Loneliness: The Documents, ed. Todd M. Compton [Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 2022], 145-46)


Angelic Intervention


One night, a great many got together and stoned our House part of which, was hewed logs, the front was Brick, after Breaking all the Windows, they comenced to tear of [off] the Roof of the Brick part, amid awful oaths and howls, that were terrible to hear, all of a sudden, they left, and all was quiet. Next morning, Olliver and John Whitmer came to the <House> and informed us, that hearing the terrible noise in the night, they feared for our lives—and started to come to our assistance But hapning to look up to the Roof of our House they saw two Angels with drawn Swords in their hands, Standing on the Ridgepole, then they retired knowing we were safe. Soon after, I saw Bishop Partridge Tarred and feathered, also Brother Allen. from that time our troubles commenced in earnest. (Ibid., 147)


Adam and Baptism


Joseph tried hard to go into the Water, but he said he did not feel worthy, but would some other time. Joseph said to me that he never would be baptised, unless it was a few moments before he died. . . . after we were baptized and confirmed he turned to my husband and said, “Now Adam, its your turn.” Mr. Lightner said “no Joseph I’ll wait till I quit smoking, I don’t feel worthy. I will some other time.” (Ibid., 161)


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