Friday, August 9, 2024

Discussions Concerning the Word of Wisdom in the Provo School of the Prophets (1868-69)


J. H. Smith asked the meaning of the rule in relation to spirit & meaning of the Word of Wisdom. B. Y. said Tea is not mentioned Coffee is not mentioned it is hot drinks if we are in the habit fo eating or drinking any thing that is injurious to the human system we must leave it off—in eating meat we should [    ] swine flesh us not healthy. if we would act in wisdom we would refrain from eating such meat I recommend Butter milk, vegetables. Fruit-Flesh-this country is very well adapted to raising fish there is no better fish in the world than trout, also eggs, fowls—and such. Beef that is fattened on the mountain grase – mutton – and wild game.


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G. A. S[mith] it is [generally] considered a fancy mode of living is genuine and good when you go to the Market to bu]y meat you do not alway/s/ know what you are buying then most of the farmers in the west are troubled with disappear [?] they drink very strong Tea & Coffee and very hot-they are always very big hog eaters, they swallow it in chunks and make the stomach do what the teeth should do – wisdom dictates that the teeth matcah the food & the stomach will not have so much to do we in the Mountain are situated to raise very good vegetables and if we will take a little time now to chew our food it will be better for us. give the children time to cut there food. IN England the people take a good deal of time to eat their food. this word of wisdom seem to come across our natures. I see quite a number of my brethren who I have been acquainted with for years and I want to ask that such be members of this school but when I reflect some have been in the habit of drinking liquor-tea-coffe-&c. using tobacco for say 30 years, and should they be invited to attend and afterwards have to leave this school, I see that disgrace will rest upon him – but then if they don’t have a chance to attend here we do not know – what they might have done – brethren attend to the fast day meetings and observe the Sabbath day – act in wisdom and wisely order your lives. I think it might be wisdom in some cases for a person to take a little tea, as there are some diseases that may require it – but not to use it at other times if we will abide council for ten years we will be better than we are now, these men that we have fed & fostered and made rich in our midst leave us and are now using that money to deprive us of living upon the earth.  (Provo School of the Prophets, April 27, 1868, 15, 16-17, MSS 7979, Brigham Young University, L. Tom Perry Special Collections)


Geo. G. Bywater spoke on the Rule in regard to the word of wisdom – said there are some who yet use Tobacco in chewing, smoking & sniffing – I have been so confirmed by persons who do not belong to the school and have asked my opinion on this subject, referred to the other rules of the school – some have a way of explaining away the part /<point> of force of the Rule.


Clark Roberts – stated that some reconcile the chewing to a little tobacco and the drinking of a cup of coffee as a medicine and should themselves under[stand] the rule when it says the Spirit and meaning thereof – and asked the question if a man stood corrected in using a little of these things while he is endeavoring to quit entirely.


C. D. Miller felt well in endeavoring to subscribe to the Rules and thought all should quit the use of all such things that is forbidden in the word of wisdom.


C. D. Evans accordingly to my understanding of the rule on the word of wisdom it covers the ground of the use of tobacco, coffee, tea, liquor, hot drinks &c. but it does not close in what it sets forth, for there are other things or violations of organized life attended with greater injury than those things mentioned we should be more circumspect in what we eat, personal cleanness is also embodied in the Word of Wisdom also to not go into a room get very overrun then go out into the cold without additional covering, these are all connected with the word wisdom.


Daniel Graves – has been in the habit of drinking tea all his life – his nature seems to crave for it but he is getting over it – I consider it is just as bad to drink cold drink as hot drinks a person should not eat or drink any thing hotter or colder [than] the blood.


H. M. Alexander – Had used tobacco since he was 3 years old. Bro Joseph & Hiram talked on this for years. they told me in their day that I must try & quit it. I have tried to quit ever since but have not yet been able to do so but were I used 2 plugs tobacco in a month I do not now us that amt in 6 years – I do not now chew it but I want a little in my mouth.


Bp. Miller said this is not a meeting for confessing our sins – I believe wherever the rule sets forth any one thing it means just what it says – if it says coffee it means it – or hot drinks – to eat meat sparingly in the winter – and leave it off/f/ in summer – it means it – let us pray to the Lord for his assistant in helping us to keep one covenants and quite our faults.


D. W. Rogers – The word of wisdom means just what it says and would it not be better for all those who cannot quit them to come up and ask their names withdrawn from the list and not attend this School until they can. I think it would be –


Bp. Sheets said that he had been interviewed in the remarks made by the Brethren but do not think that the observance of the word of wisdom alone can save us – I refer to all the Rules but the brethren has [spoken] on the word of wisdom – the rule of paying our honest debts is very important the word of wisdom must be observed in the spirit and meaning thereof and so with all the rules – In attending our meetings I find that all our meetings are not attended as they should be – the ward and fast meeting are not attended even by the members of this school as they should be this is very essential – let us be charitable and not condemn a brother for his failings because we may have faults that are greater than his in some other point [next page to faint to read] (Provo School of the Prophets, January 26, 1869, 152-54, MSS 7979, Brigham Young University, L. Tom Perry Special Collections)



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