Far West Ledger, transcribed
by Tami K. Greenwood (Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2024).
Note: “*” denotes an imperfection in the texts, such as a
tear; spellings as found in original.
February 23, 1838:
Calvin Beebe D 1 lb
tobaaco @ 2/5 (p. 7)
March 1838:
Abner Herren D1
qt wine .50 (p. 1)
June 11, 1838:
Ervine Hoage Self
½ # tobacco .1 (p. 3)
June 13, 1838:
James Morgan Dr
to tobacco
. . .
Lucian Woodworth Dr
4 ½ doz buttons 12 ½
1 lb (C*) tobacco (p. 10)
June 28, 1838:
Joseph Vight D
to tobacco .1(8)
tobacco (64) tobacco 44.*
(p. 19)
July 16, 1838:
Phineas H Young D
½ lb Tea @1.50 .75
1 “ Tobacco @ 37 ½ .37 (p.
August 4, 1838:
Jotham Maynard Dr
pr Daughter
2 pair Hose @ 5/0 1.00
½ lb tobacco @ 2/5 .13 (p.
August 11, 1838:
Alvin Tippits
1 (umbrellau) 1.75
1 C* 1.50
½ lb Tea .75 (p. 54)
August 14, 1838:
Cornelius (P) Lott D
½ lb Saleratus @ 25 .12
2 oz Tea 1.50 .18 (p. 57)
August 22, 1838:
Philo Dibb* D ¼ lb Tea 150 .37 (p. 65)
August 28, 1838 :
Thomas Grover Dr
By Daniel Miles
¼ lb tea @ 1/50 .37 .3
(p. 67)
October 11, 1838:
Sheffield Daniels Dr
pr Wife
1 pt Whiskey @ 1/3 .13 (p.
October 12, 1838:
Philo Dibble Dr 1
qt whiskey @ 2/5 .25 (p. 96)
October 13, 1838:
Benjamin Benson Dr
1 quart Whiskey by James
Lee @ 2/5 .25 (p. 96)
October 25, 1838:
Joseph Holbrook Dr
1 Bottle & 1 qt whisky .44
. . .
Evens Obanion Dr
1 pt Whisky @ 1/3 .13
Curtis Hodges Dr
1 pt whisky @ 1/3 .13 (pp.
December 5, 1838:
Edward Bebley Dr
2 lbs of * .37 .75
¼ of t* 1.50 .37 ½
2 lbs Coffe .25 .50 1.(4)2
Nathaniel West Dr
1 lbs of tobacco .50 1.00 (p.
December 9, 1838:
A Morrison Dr
1 Comb .37 ½
2 Com 6 per .12 ½
1 par of Shows .75
(1) lbs of Coffee .25 (p.
January 9, 1839:
Arthur Morison Dr
Tea & Wine p H Smith .25
A Morison Do 6
lb Coffee 1.50
Do 1 Coffee Boiler .62 ½ (p.
January 16, 1839:
A Morson 6 lb
Butter 12 2/3 1.00
¼ lb o Tea .50 (p. 106)
January 19, 1839:
William Hunter To 3
Brand(e) 37 1.12
(olco) 1 Tecanter .75
1 p(a)r shoes 1.25
½ pint Brandy .18 */*
. . .
A Morison Dr ¼
lb of Tea .50
(F) M Lyon Dr
To ¼ lb of Tea .50
(R)ezer Dr 1
pint Brandy paid .37) (p. 108)
January 22, 1839:
Edmans &
Bosworth Dr Lont (Loaned?)
3 1/3 lb Tobacco 37 ct p 3.1(8)
(p. 108)
January 24, 1839:
A Morison To
Cash Dr paid sl(o*) 1.75
½ lbs Tea 1.00 (p. 110)
January 28, 1839:
William Osbern Dr
To Cash Loand 10.00
To 1 pare Shoes 1.75
1 qt Brandy .75
¼ lb powder .12 ½
1 ½ pt Brandy .25 (p.
Further Reading:
Michael Ash, Up
In Smoke: A Response to the Tanners’ Criticism of the Word of Wisdom
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