Saturday, March 8, 2025

Steven L. Hitchcock on "The General Resurrection" vs. Limited Atonement


The General Resurrection


How is it that all humanity will be raised from the dead at the General Resurrection if their physical death is due to the defilement of the body because of sin?


The only solution we are able to come up with is that Jesus’ death and resurrection are not wasted though a sinner rejects Jesus Christ. God secures His honor over HIs tainted creation and He is able to enact perfect justice upon those who hate Him. For in the General Resurrection there will be the real and concrete reversal of the first death upon mankind.


We know from Romans 6:23 that the wages of sin is death and that this stems from what God warned Adam about in the garden of Eden. That the day of which he partakes of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, “You shall die.”


We also know that every human has sinned, except for Jesus, and that because we are all sinners each one must die and that the very reason Jesus did raise from the dead was because HE had never sinned.


How is it then that God will raise every single person that has ever sinned from the dead?


All have died because all have sinned

Jesus dies and yet because He has no sin He is raised from the dead


All mankind are raised from the dead



On what basis of justice is God able to do this? Does God just do it because He is free to do what He wills, as the Calvinist maintains? Or does God accomplish something to the satisfaction of HIs own justice and so that the accuser of mankind is silenced.


He will raise both the righteous and the wicked, not just the righteous who are in Christ.


The conclusion is unavoidable and demands for an effectual, and yet impersonal, universal atonement for sin.


The General Resurrection is the clearest proof that Jesus’ death and resurrection is a universal and impersonal atonement for sin.


A person cannot be raised from the dead unless there is atonement for sin and yet this atonement for sin must be impersonal for those who ultimately perish.


Jesus will say to many of those whom He will raise from the dead, “I never knew you.” The General Resurrection does not require personal faith in Jesus and yet it cannot occur unless sin is atoned for.


Only those born of the Spirit, who have personalized Jesus’ death and resurrection in this life are those who have entered into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The wicked will be raised with as good of a body as God’s people except that it will not have a righteous heart and soul and certainly will not be glorified. (Two teachings by Jesus about the last judgment strongly imply that there will be no visible difference between the righteous and the wicked. Matthew 25:31-33 refers to the separating of sheep from goats, which in Palestine they were not so easily distinguished. Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 is the parable of the Tares and the Wheat. The word used for tares is a weed that looks like wheat)


It is solely because of the second Adam, Jesus Christ, that every son of the first Adam shall be raised from the dead, never to know the first death again. Each and every one shall by virtue of Jesus Christ be raised with a body that will be indestructible and wholly the body it should be without the infirmities and blights of sin.


All of those who are not of God’s people shall be trapped in such a perfect body, which cannot perish, and shall in this body be case into the lake of fire, and second death. By virtue of Christ’s immortal resurrection all humanity shall inherit a body that will not denigrate and they will either enjoy the pleasures of heaven or will suffer the punishment that he or she deserves, for all eternity.


Ironically, God’s perfect wrath is fully accomplished by means of God’s perfect redemptive work in Jesus’ death and resurrection.


Never again, at any point, after the resurrection, will God’s purpose to create mankind be obstructed by physical death and never at any point will physical death obstruct the necessary punishment of those who have rejected God’s creational purpose. Perfect justice requires the sinner to be punished in his self-same body for eternity, for his sins done in the body, and therefore it must be raised and made immortal, so that it can fulfill an eternity of punishment. (Steven L. Hitchcock, Recanting Calvinism: For A Dynamic Gospel [Xulon Press, 2011], 335-37)



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